/ / Allergy to the sun

Allergy to the sun

And then came the long-awaited summer, the sun came out,all pulled to the sea, closer to the ponds and, of course, to the beaches. Sunburn - the thing that is to face all without exception, but because quickly everyone tends to tan. Moreover, scientists have long proven that the sun's rays and their effect on the body, and consequently, sunburn, are very useful. So with the first warm days all at once tend to tan in a warm summer sun.

But not everything is as simple and harmless as it seemsfirst glance. The sun's rays are actually quite a dangerous phenomenon. Being active, they can cause not only skin burns and premature aging of the skin, but even cause the formation of malignant tumors.

Activity and aggressiveness of the sun's rayscomes in May, and this should not be forgotten in any case. It is at this time of year that you can understand what an allergy is to the sun, or, to put it scientifically, photodermatosis.

Sunlight, from a medical point of view,an allergen can not be, since any allergen must contain proteins. However, it is the factor that provokes the accumulation in the body of large quantities of various allergens that are produced in people who have problems with any internal organs. Thus, an allergy to the sun can not be detected in a healthy person. And if it is, then you should seriously think about the state of internal organs and consult a doctor for advice and a full survey. Particular attention in this form of allergy should be given to the health of the kidneys, liver, adrenals.

This allergy may manifest itself and withpregnancy, and also it can cause the reception of some medicines. For example, anti-inflammatory nonsteroid (tetracycline, quinidine, sulfonamide, amiodarone). Some scientists believe that the cause of the allergy may be a violation of pigmental metabolism or endocrine disorders.

If you went into the room with a sunny street andafter one or two hours suddenly felt itching on the skin, saw her redness or felt puffiness, it is possible that you are allergic to the sun, the symptoms of which look exactly like that. Less common is the so-called solar urticaria, in which between exposure to the sun and rashes on the skin can go from eighteen to seventy-two hours. If you have a sensitive body, to the listed symptoms, you can add pressure reduction, bronchospasm, and in some cases even loss of consciousness.

If the allergy to the sun is detected in severe form,then the luminary should be avoided, and if this is not possible, then it is worth wearing clothes from dense fabrics. However, a severe form of allergy is rarely detected, most often doctors diagnose photodermatitis. It is amenable to treatment, both internal and local.

For this, the areas of skin on which thean allergy in the sun, it is necessary to process with ointments, the composition of which must contain lanolin, zinc, methyluracil. It will help to cope and folk medicine: instead of ointment you can apply to the skin thin circles of cucumber, raw potatoes, cabbage leaves. With minor lesions, doctors prescribe hormonal ointments.

Allergy to sun in children differs from similarallergies in adults are not strong. The only thing: it can be expressed in different ways. For example, the temperature may rise, and in other cases, a rash may appear. Parents who monitor the health of their children, when traveling to the sea or any other long journeys, you simply need to carry with you in the medicine cabinet all the necessary means - antipyretic, antihistamines and so on. And on arrival home, reduce the baby to a doctor.

An allergy to the sun is completely curable. After treatment, you can forever forget about it and gladly enjoy the bright rays.

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