/ / Pain in the shoulder joint is a common problem for many people.

Pain in the shoulder joint is a common problem for many people.

As they say in one Russian proverb: "In a healthy body healthy mind". It is rather difficult to argue with this statement. But tell me, who is now leading an absolutely healthy lifestyle? Units. And why? Here it is not even in the person himself, but in the society in which he lives. Indeed, low morale, an ever-worsening ecological situation, and so on.

Now, modern man lends himself to manydiseases, among which should be noted pain in the shoulder joint. This, of course, is not the disease itself, but only its manifestation. Everything is much more complicated. Hostages of such a syndrome are people whose occupations are forced to stay in static poses for a long time. Office workers, musicians, drivers are not all at risk. However, what to do, you must somehow make a living. The banal overstrain of the joint can cause acute pain in the left shoulder joint. This also applies to the right shoulder. In this case, muscle fatigue is observed, and accumulation in the tissues of lactic acid. This effect is temporary and painfully familiar to all athletes who are engaged in weightlifting. And if the pain in the right shoulder joint is systematic? What to do in this case? That's what we'll talk about. It is necessary to find out the cause of the pain. Thus, you can save yourself in the future from the intrusive and painful pain in your shoulders.

In fact, pain in the shoulder joint -multicomplex disease. It itself can be caused by many factors. If there is a strong pain in the left shoulder joint, this is the first bell that talks about heart problems. That is, it is best not to delay, and immediately go to the cardiologist. Unfortunately, this diagnosis does not limit the pain in the shoulder joint. One of the most common causes of such unpleasant sensations is inflammation of muscles and ligaments (periarthritis). The onset of the disease is frequent injuries and hypothermia. You should avoid sharp physical loads. With this sore in the early stages, you can successfully fight at home with the help of anesthetics.

Go ahead. People aged 30 to 50 years old are at risk of pain in the shoulder joint, caused by the deposition of salts in the tendons. It has a permanent character. The most terrible cause of pain in the shoulders is the intervertebral hernia. This situation requires detailed study by a specialist and making operational decisions, up to surgical intervention. When a person suddenly falls, there is a great chance of rupturing a tendon cuff. At full rupture the victim can not take his shoulder more than 60 degrees. The same, it would seem, banal dislocation of the shoulder can seriously impede movement in the shoulder joint. Often when lifting weights, there is a feeling that something is breaking off inside. This, of course, is the detachment of the long head of the biceps arm muscle. If the biceps muscle retains its functions, then surgical intervention is practically not applied. Rarely, but there are injuries to the deltoid shoulder muscles that surround the joint of the shoulder. If you strike on a tight delta, some of its fibers will simply rupture and cause discomfort and pain in the shoulder joint.

It should be remembered about congenital abnormalities of the shoulderthe joint. This includes purulent, tuberculous arthritis. In the region of the shoulder joint, both malignant and benign tumors are often detected. The latter include hemangioma and chondroma. As malignant tumors, sarcomas of various types are most often found in practice.

With pain in the shoulder joint, you should not hesitate. Contact a qualified professional directly. Only, thus, you can protect yourself from the development of a painful syndrome.

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