/ / Pain in the heel when walking

Heel pain in walking

During the day we can experience a lotdiscomfort. Often a person is uncomfortable for the reason that it hurts him to walk. Many people turn to a traumatologist for the reason that they constantly experience pain in the heel when walking.

As a reason in this case canto act in a variety of ways. This is uncomfortable shoes, and corn, and damage to the joints, and any physical damage. In many cases, pain in the heel appears due to inflammation in the tendon. You can observe them with fasciitis, rheumatoid arthritis. Sometimes pain in the heel when walking causes heel spurs.

To the base of the fingers from the heel bone passesa unique plantar fixation. It provides stability, and also protects bone structures. When overloading, the fixation is stretched. This causes inflammation of its fibers. Over time, they begin to tear. For this reason, there is pain when walking. A calcaneal spur may appear.

In general, we note that this overload is oftenworries sick flat feet. Also, it may appear due to the high arch of the foot, the excessively strained Achilles tendon, a long standing in one place.

Pain in the heel when walking is especially strong inmorning hours, when the leg was at rest for a long time. She worries some people in the evenings, when a lot of stress accumulated in her legs. Pain in the heel when walking is often accompanied by redness or swelling in the affected area.

Such a disease as fasciitis can bediagnosed with ultrasound, various laboratory tests, X-ray studies. All of the above will help to eliminate diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, mononeuritis, osteomyelitis. Also, studies will help to exclude tumors.

In the treatment, hygiene measures must be followed, and also to ensure that the foot is not overloaded. In some cases, doctors recommend that their patients lose weight.

In those moments when the pain in the heel when walkingIt aggravates, it is possible to remove symptoms with the help of ice massage. How to do it? Just take a piece of ice and drive them for a while in the area of ​​damage. Also for the massage, you can use not ice, but a container in which cold water is collected.

A surgeon or rheumatologist can appointSpecial gymnastics that will help relieve Achilles tendon, as well as fascia. This gymnastics will help to develop the foot and lower leg. Pain in the heel when walking, which is treated in different ways, can be eliminated with the help of warm baths with sea salt. How? Simply, it will improve blood circulation and help relax the foot.

There are certain exercises thatwill help get rid of unpleasant sensations in the legs. To begin with, just sit on a chair, putting a towel in front of you. Pull the aching leg forward and pull the towel toward you. To complicate this exercise, you can use a heavy object placed on the far edge of the towel. Do not overwork yourself - just a few repetitions a day is enough.

For everyday wear it is best to useshoes with a wide heel, as well as a sole that is stable. Most suitable for orthopedic shoes. You can also use sports shoes. For the night, you can wear special equipment on your feet. Which will support the foot.

In some cases, only anti-inflammatory drugs can help. Doctors can prescribe infiltration with corticosteroids, as well as anesthetics.

Pain in the heel when walking can not retreat evenin a year of continuous treatment. In such cases it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. With the help of it you can free the fascia from unnecessary loads.

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