/ / Pain in the upper abdomen: possible causes

Pain in the upper abdomen: possible causes

Patients coming to the doctor very often complain of pain in the upper abdomen. Everyone felt this feeling for sure. The reasons for this discomfort can be very different.

pain in the upper abdomen
Let's talk first about the pains at the top of the abdomen on the right. They occur much more often than in the opposite area, due to the presence in this zone of such important organs as the liver and gallbladder. In addition, the abdominal cavity on the right is the part of the intestine. If one of these organs undergoes trauma or a disease, the upper abdomen becomes sick.

Lesion of the liver

Heart failure, infection, chemicalagents cause swelling of the liver, which becomes the cause of the pain of the pulling character, felt deep inside, and not on the surface. This discomfort persists.

sore upper abdomen
Lesion of the gallbladder

Stones in this organ, poor liver function,infection can provoke pain in the upper abdomen. Painful sensations, unlike those that arise in the liver, are characterized by intensity, cause excessive sweating and even nausea.

Kidney pathology

As you know, the kidneys are on the sides, and thereforein the case of their defeat, pain occurs most often in the back. However, with the disease of the right kidney, the formation of an abscess, stones, abscess, blood clot can have pain in the upper abdomen on the right. If small stones come out of the kidneys due to unpleasant sensations, the pain can be extremely painful, paroxysmal and irradiate into the inguinal zone.

Inflammation of the intestine

If that part of the intestine that is inright area of ​​the abdominal cavity, inflames, a person appears soreness in this zone. A similar phenomenon is rare. Pain resembles spasms lasting a couple of minutes, stopping, and then again repeating. In conjunction with this, there may be abnormalities in the work of the intestines in the form of constipation or diarrhea.

left upper abdomen hurts
The left upper abdomen hurts

In this area are the spleen, stomach andpart of the intestine. The spleen is close to the surface of the body. If the organ increases as a result of the lesion, the extension of its capsule occurs, which gives rise to pain. Unpleasant sensations of a noisy character can arise in the stomach as a result of irritation of its mucous membrane due to malnutrition, alcohol intake, functional dyspepsia. In case the pain in the upper abdomen on the left persists for more than a day, immediately visit the doctor - this condition may indicate an ulcer or even stomach cancer. But do not be scared, these diseases are not diagnosed infrequently, most likely, you have developed gastritis. In addition, discomfort in the abdominal region to the left can cause accumulated gases in the intestine.

Pathologies of the pancreas

Through the entire upper zone of the abdominal cavity is stretchedpancreas, the inflammation of which can lead to pain in the left, middle and right abdominal areas. Its defeat occurs as a result of the development of the tumor, with exposure to toxins, as a consequence of long-term use of steroids and diuretics. The pain in the upper abdomen in such cases is quite sharp, deep, accompanied by a rise in temperature and nausea.

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