/ What to do if you stretch the ligaments on your legs. Stretch of ligaments: treatment with folk remedies

What to do if you stretch the ligaments on your legs. Stretch of ligaments: treatment with folk remedies

The most frequent injuries of the limbs with whichthe doctors come across - these are different stretches. In this case, the ligaments of the legs most often suffer. Unfortunately, no one is immune from such injuries. They can arise due to heavy load, unsuccessful fall, sudden movement. Such unpleasant situations are subject to both children and adults. That's why every person needs to know what to do when stretching leg ligaments.

what to do when stretching the ligaments on the legs


The causes of injuries, as a rule, are hidden inthe implementation of atypical movements for the joints. Such situations are not only vulnerable to athletes. Even the most common person can get injured during ice or after falling.

In addition, it is important to understand not only what to dowhen stretching ligaments on the legs, but also how to detect such a pathology in time. After all, sometimes it can be about fractures, dislocations and other unpleasant situations.

The main symptoms that characterize the sprain of the ligaments are:

  1. Pain that occurred at the time of injury and notpasses after a certain time. When pressing on the damaged joint, it becomes stronger. The patient is heavily reliant on an injured leg. There are difficulties and acute discomfort during flexion, extension, wiggling.
  2. The presence of bruising and swelling. Such a symptomatology, as a rule, does not arise immediately.
  3. The patient feels stiffness and instability in the area of ​​damage. In some cases, he completely can not exercise any motion with his foot.
  4. In the damaged place you hear clicks and crunch. This symptomatology is accompanied by acute pain.

If you notice such signs, you need to clearly know what to do when stretching joint ligaments. The very first thing is to go to the emergency room.

what to do when stretching the ligaments on the leg

Timely diagnosis will eliminate other unpleasant injuries - fractures, dislocations.

Basic views

Immediately after injury, a person is able to normallywalk. And only after a time there is swelling, pain. Doctors say that such a temporary "well-being" is quite dangerous, since it leads to a prolongation of the medical process.

Therefore, it is very important for a person injured to seek medical help in a timely manner. A competent expert will tell you what to do when stretching the ligaments on the leg.

Treatment will depend on the degree of damage. There are the following types:

  1. Easy degree. The injury occurs in the case of minor damage. Symptoms are not expressed. Unpleasant sensations quickly disappear - for 1-3 weeks.
  2. Average. The structure of the ligaments is broken. Tears and overstretch are possible, as a result of which the integrity of the joint is not maintained. The patient experiences serious difficulties during the movement of the patient with his foot.
  3. Heavy. At a given degree, almost a complete rupture of one, several ligaments of the joint is observed. The patient experiences severe pain, sometimes leading a person to a shock state. In the damaged joint there is no stability. The joint is either completely stiff or loose.

It is necessary to distinguish between muscle damage and injuryligaments. Doctors give the following sign, which makes it possible to differentiate the pathology data. When muscle tissue is damaged, pain occurs after 24 hours. If acute discomfort and characteristic symptomatology is observed 3 hours after the injury, then it is a trauma to the ligaments.

At the same time, it is impossible to exclude the risk of both pathologies occurring simultaneously. What to do with stretching the muscles and leg ligaments, the doctor will best advise. And only he can correctly diagnose.

what to do with stretching the muscles and ligaments of the leg

What to do

Initially, it should be given to the patient,which is suspected of stretching the ligament of the foot, first aid. Treatment, depending on the type of injury, appoint a doctor. Initially, call an ambulance. It is she who very carefully delivers the victim to the hospital.

Significant relief to the patient will bring the following activities:

  1. Fix the foot in a fixed position.
  2. If the patient experiences severe pain, it is recommended to take an analgesic drug: Analgin, Naize.
  3. Attach a cold wrapped in a towel to the damaged area. This will somewhat reduce the puffiness.

It is very important for proper diagnosis to informthe doctor, what trauma the patient has suffered (stroke, fall, sudden movement). This will allow the doctor not only to pinpoint the pathology, but also recommend what to do with stretching the ligaments on the legs.

Treatment of trauma

Only after making sure that the patient has a sprain, and not another pathology, the doctor will prescribe a therapy.

The main components of treatment are:

  1. Rest the damaged area.
  2. Anesthesia. The first 2 days on the injured place a cold compress is applied. This reduces swelling, eliminates pain. In the future, the doctor will explain what to do with stretching the ligaments on his legs. As a rule, various ointments are prescribed. Excellent drugs have anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Voltaren. The most effective are combined ointments: "Menovazine", "Apizarthron", "Diclobene gel".
  3. Physiotherapy. Electrophoresis, ultrasound, magnetic therapy contribute to improve blood supply, eliminate pain and swelling.
  4. Exercise therapy. The course of treatment is appointed after a few days, weeks. Gymnastics allows you to quickly restore the motor functions of the foot.

what to do when stretching ligament joints

Along with the therapy described above, it is of great benefit to a patient who has sprained ligaments, treated with folk remedies. Let's consider the most effective methods.

Onion Compress

It helps to get rid of puffiness and reduces pain.

Grind several cleaned bulbs. Mix this gruel with 1 tbsp. spoon of salt. You can use the usual or sea. Spread this mixture on gauze. Top with a second napkin.

This compress is applied to the edematous place on the foot. Fix the bandage with a bandage and leave it on the damaged area for 5-6 hours.

This compress is recommended to be done daily until the swelling is completely gone.

Warming with sand

Instead of the main component, you can use ordinary table salt. The effect of the procedure does not diminish.

stretching ligament foot first aid treatment

A little sand should be heated on a baking sheet in the oven or in a pan. Pour it into a special tissue bag. To a sore spot, you should apply such a "compress" in a hot form.

Do not heat the sand or salt very much. Because it is very easy to burn the skin.

Clay treatment

Such a natural component is practically a universal tool for combating many diseases.

In case of trauma to the ligaments, considerable reliefwill bring a compress of clay. The main ingredient must be diluted in water to a consistency of sour cream. Put the clay on a linen cloth. Apply the dressing to the damaged area.

Fasten the compress with elastic bandage. On the site of the affected ligaments, it should be a couple of hours.

Therapeutic ointment

An effective healing agent is very easymanufacture by yourself. Patients who want to restore the functionality of the damaged leg more quickly often ask folk healers about what to do with stretching the ligaments on the leg. The healers recommend many excellent recipes, one of which is the preparation of this ointment.

For the manufacture of the medicinal product you will need: household soap (pre-grate it on a grater), egg yolk and water. The ratio of ingredients is as follows: 1: 2: 1. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. They should turn into a homogeneous mixture.

sprain ligament treatment folk remedies

Such a mass is impregnated with gauze and applied to a sore spot. Top with a bandage.

It is enough to support this compress for several hours, so that the pain subsides.

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