/ / Root of the dog rose

Root of the dog rose

Something, and folk medicine will always find thansurprise modern man. Yes, now a huge amount of medical preparations is being produced, which, it would seem, can be cured from any disease, but every year more and more people turn to the means that our grandmothers and even distant ancestors used. Cinnamon cinnamon refers precisely to such means. Its useful properties are numerous. Previously, it was used very widely. What today? And today there are people who believe in its power.

Rose hips: treatment

For the first time in medicine he was talked about inthe sixteenth century. It is worth noting that in our country then the dog rose was considered a rare and even outlandish plant. Many healers quickly noticed how favorably it affects the condition of the human body. It was found that people who constantly consume rose hips, remain very young for a long time, but they have enough energy. Their ability to work is simply amazing.

Thanks to modern technology,found that the dog rose contains a large amount of vitamin B1, B2, C, as well as K and P. We pay attention that in the fruits of this plant contains ascorbic acid a hundred times more than in the fruits of lemon.

Remarkable useful properties are notonly the fruit, but also the roots of the dog rose. Their properties are really unique - even modern medical technologies do not allow creating a chemical product that would not be inferior to them in terms of utility. The root of the dog rose is primarily useful because the substances contained in it are able to dissolve any deferred stones, which, as a rule, are abundant in our organisms. Modern medics often ignore all this, trying to invent something artificial, but people who trust folk medicine use the root of the dog rose for medicinal purposes, thereby saving themselves from many ailments.

In Altai medicine it is said that the rootrosehip is so useful for the reason that the plant itself refers to the elements of fast water, that is, to the one that prevails over the stone and terrestrial elements. In Tibetan medicine, this remedy is very widely used to treat urolithiasis. The curious fact is that this is justified by the fact that the root of the dog rose is the refuge of the spirit that controls all the stones in the world.

Results that appear as a resultroot canal treatment, can really impress any skeptic. Decoction not only promotes the dissolution of stones, but also improves blood clotting, strengthens blood vessels, promotes the healing of all kinds of wounds, improves eyesight, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Also, the ability of the roots of dogrose to normalize the metabolism was revealed. It is for this reason that people resort to this remedy who want to lose weight quickly or recover a little.

As mentioned above, the dog rose containsa lot of ascorbic acid. For this reason, the decoction from it is not recommended for people suffering from chronic gastritis. Also, it is contraindicated in people with peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach. Due to the high content of vitamin K, the root of the dog rose is not recommended for use in people with heart failure of the third degree, endocarditis and thrombophlebitis.

Perhaps the day will come when the meanstraditional medicine will truly be appreciated even by those people who now believe only exclusively in traditional medicine. The root of the dog rose is really a miracle cure that helps with many diseases. Its useful properties are not recommended to be ignored by anyone.

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