/ / How do I know who the child is like?

How do you know who the child is like?

The greatest family responsibility isbirth of a child. Many lovers wait for this event with impatience, and during pregnancy, there are more and more questions about the name, sex and appearance of the future baby.

A little intrigue

From the first days, as soon as a young couplelearns that she will become the parents of a small miracle, the divination begins: a boy or a girl, who would a child look like, dark or fair, eyes of my mother's or father's eyes?

Many believe that if you surround a pregnant womana woman with beautiful works of art and often include classical music, then the future child will be born an enchanting creature with creative potential and excellent musical ear.

In India, girls who are preparing for conception,imagine at the moment of Krsna's closeness, in order to endow their child with external features and the wisdom of the deity. What can we say about a variety of techniques, special positions and diets designed to "help" mom and dad to give birth to the child of the desired sex?

Genetics on this occasion indulgentlysmile, because for scientific circles a similar "philosophy" has no evidence, and therefore, can not be taken seriously. How, in fact, is the formation of the external traits and character of the unborn child yet? Is it possible to predict with certainty who the child will look like? Let's understand together.

who the child is like

The prince or the princess?

In this matter the ball reigns Her MajestyChromosome. Gametes in men carry either the X chromosome or the Y chromosome. The number of both is equal. The sex of the unborn child depends on the type of chromosome that fertilizes the egg. Came to the finish of the first X-chromosome - expect the girl, won the relay of the Y-chromosome - the heir will be born.

The birth rate of boys is slightly higher thanthe fair sex. Scientists' assumptions boil down to the fact that genetically male children are more susceptible to disease. The body of boys is less resistant to all kinds of viruses, including diseases that are transmitted from generation to generation. Consequently, mortality in the stronger sex is slightly higher than that of girls. In this way, a wise nature tries to balance the number of men and women.

Who will the future child look like?

It is widely believed that boys are born,like mother, and the girls outwardly copy their father. The statement can be considered quite justified, but only half. The riddle lies in the X-chromosome, which is many times richer than the other. And since the boys receive only one such chromosome from the mother, the likelihood that the son will inherit the external features of the mother is very large. When the girl is conceived, the embryo receives the X chromosome from each of the parents. Therefore, here the rates are equal: the future princess can inherit both her mother and father's appearance.

the child is not like his parents

Strong and weak

Back at school, we were taught that there are two typesgenes: dominant - "strong" genes, and recessive - "weak" genes. If there is a choice, which one will pass the hereditary information to the future child, then in the overwhelming majority of cases the victory is dominant. Given this theory, we can assume who the child looks like, from the photos of the parents.

Blue or brown

The darker the color of the eyes, the gene carrying thisinformation, stronger. If the mother's eyes are light, and the pope is brown, then the percentage of the appearance of the baby with the eyes of his father is much higher. If both parents have dark eyes, then the probability that a baby will be born with eyes of the color of the sky is very small and is about 6%. And yet the probability exists. And even if my mother and father have blue eyes, it also happens that a baby with brown eyes is born.

who the child looks like on the photo

Why does it happen that the child is not likeparents? Scientists agree that for a certain external sign of a new person, not one gene can answer, but a group carrying various information. And when such a joint work produces an unpredictable result, one should calmly react to such a surprise, and not run to the nearest clinic to take DNA tests.

Dominant features of appearance

Of course, the color of the eyes of the future child is not the only oneA question that interests parents. Who is more like a child, mother or father, determine the dominant genes, the list of which is very extensive. One thing is clear: if the family has a distinctive external feature (protruding ears, a nose with a hump, a dimple on the chin, a birthmark or the left hand of one of the parents), most likely the baby will easily inherit it.

who will the future child look like

Hair color and structure

Recessive genes carry information about lighthair, dominant - about the dark. To whom the child looks like, if the mother has bright, almost white curls, and her father is a burning brunette, it's not hard to guess. The kid will inherit the color of his father's hair. A blond couple rarely has a baby with dark hair. Curly or curly hair is a sign of a dominant gene. With equal conditions, he wins, and the child inherits the curls of one of the parents.

Giant or Shorty

In the issue of growth, not everything is so unambiguous, becausethis indicator influences not only heredity, but also many other factors: the balanced nutrition of the mother during pregnancy, the environment and the ecological situation in which the child grew, illnesses, playing sports.

With a favorable combination of all these factorsthe child reaches an average between mom and dad. Information of small growth carries a dominant gene. The situation can be corrected if you give a short boy to basketball. This sport will give an additional boost to growth and add a couple of centimeters to your heir.

who the child looks more like

Character traits

The nature of the baby is formed not only genetically. Here, the behavior of others, and upbringing, and other social relations are intertwined. To inherit a child can the temperament of one of the parents or to assemble one's own set of features from each. Already in the first months you can see whose character dominates the little man: is he active and inquisitive, or calm and living in his inner world.

Intellectual abilities, musical ear andThe craving for drawing is also inherited by the child from the parents. Here the phrase: "She has the perfect hearing, like mine!" - will sound quite appropriate. In addition to facial features, the child inherits from his parents and facial expressions. It is proved that children do not just copy the expression of the parents' face, mimic similarity is the result of genetic heredity. After all, even unseeing children are able to outwardly repeat their parents.


The term came to us from the Greek language and intranslation means "born in the distance". In simple terms, this is a theory that states that when a female is close to a female, the male leaves his genetic information in the female's body, even if the fusion did not bring the children from him. Subsequently, offspring from another male receives a set of both external and internal features of each male representative who has been in the womb of the female.

Everything began in the XIX century from the case whenthe practicing zoologist Earl Morton decided to crossbreed the thoroughbred mare with the stallion of the African zebra as an experiment. The experiments were unsuccessful. She did not produce her mare. All anything, but in a few years the same mare gives birth to a light (already from a male of its kind) a foal with obvious signs of a zebra! Naturally, the scientific minds became interested in whether the effect of telegoniya among people has a place?

the child is not like his parents

Followers of this theory argue thatthe cases when the first child is similar to the first female man, are not so rare. But this has not been proved experimentally so far. Experiments on the crossing of different species of animals and birds did not bring any evidentiary arguments.

How can genetic information bea few months, or even years, stored in the body of a woman? How can a child look like the first man, if ten, fifteen, or even twenty years passed after the closeness? Spermatozoon can live in the vagina for several hours, in the uterus not more than three days. Then he dies, as well as all the genetic information he carried in himself.

Scientifically substantiate the theory of telegony with alldesire does not succeed. But for her clinging followers of the moral purity of the female population, defending the moral side of the family aspect and virginity of the future wife. Supporters of the "revival of a clean family" assure that all sexual partners of the girl who were before her marriage leave their imprint on the children born in lawful wedlock. This phenomenon, they explain, and the high incidence of this generation, because a woman "accumulates" in itself all the errors of the genetic heredity of each partner. People of science are skeptical about such an unconfirmed phenomenon as telegony.

the first child is not like the first man

Psychologists confirm that parents often want,that the child had similar external features with them. So it is easier for them to take and be proud of their child. But is it so important, to whom is the child like? Is it more important to see your baby healthy and happy, even if his protruding ears can not hide any hairstyle?

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