/ / How to remove friends from privates in "Maincrafter"

How to remove friends from privates in "Maynkraft"

Today, we'll talk about how to remove friends fromprivat in the "Maincrafter". This game gave a new color to the famous term. Here we can privatit property, forbidding other players to use it.

Operating principle

how to delete friends from private
Before you decide how to removefriends from private, it should be noted that the function of private property was introduced, because not all participants in the game process are honest. Such residents can destroy the structure created by our character. To combat these phenomena, the described function was invented.

The main solution

We pass directly to the solution of the problem ofHow to remove friends from private. At first glance it may seem that this is not necessary, but there are situations when such actions can be justified. A friend may not justify the trust, steal items, spoil the house. You can achieve this goal if you use the region removemember command. So you decide how to delete a private, or rather, access to it for individual people who you no longer want to see in the white list.

additional information

how to delete private
You should also understand how to identifyown. For this we refer to the console. As for the privatization of the region, it will require a wooden ax. This object should be designated as the two extreme points of the space we need. All the blocks that are contained on the designated territory will be ours, and the other players will not have access to them. We will also be helped by a special regional claim team. It must be used together with the name of our region.

As for the privatization of objects, for example,chests or doors, everything is much simpler here. In this case, only a special team is applied without the need for additional items. The code Cprivate will help to establish a private on the necessary tool. If desired, we can open access to personal things for a specific range of users. To do this, use the special command region addmember. Next, the alias of the selected user is indicated, and he can come to visit us and use things.

There is one more team about whichto know - region addowner. When this code is used, the user specified in it will receive rights to a region similar to ours. So we figured out how to remove friends from the private, and add to it, if necessary.

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