/ Jam from zucchini with apples: recipe. Jam from zucchini with apples in a multivark

Jam from zucchini with apples: recipe. Jam from zucchini with apples in a multivark

In Russia zucchini is used for cookingvarious salty or sharp sunset for the winter. In foreign countries, it is perceived as an ordinary dessert vegetable. From it prepare cupcakes, cookies, pies, and even more - jam, distinguished from other similar blanks not too sweet, unusual taste. So if you do not know where to use them for a large crop, prepare, for example, jam from zucchini with apples. Get a very delicious and original product, which is easy to weld. And there's no need to worry about tastelessness, because the list of ingredients includes apples and many other fruits, so that the jam will be sweet enough.

The first version of the recipe for zucchini jam

For him we will need: zucchini - one and a half kilograms, apples - one kilogram, granulated sugar - 1.25 kg, lemon juice - half cup, one glass of raisins. Now we prepare jam from zucchini with apples. Mine our vegetables, cut them in half and remove all the seeds. Do not forget to peel and cut into small pieces.

jam from zucchini with apples
The cooking time directly depends on the size. The smaller it is, the faster it will be to cook the jam. Absolutely the same thing we do with apples: peel and cut into small pieces. Take a deep saucepan and pour into it sliced ​​vegetables and fruits, add there the same sugar and lemon juice. Then there are two options. On the first set the mixture for the night to marinate. On the second, we immediately begin to cook. As for raisins, it is better to pre-pour a small amount of hot water and leave overnight. Let us describe directly the process of cooking. In a mixture of zucchini and apples, add raisins, put the pan on medium heat and slowly bring to a boil. Now 45 minutes cook on high heat, do not forget to stir occasionally. The last 5-7 minutes will have to jam constantly, as it begins to thicken quickly. The final step: remove the pan from the fire and immediately dispense on sterilized jars. The lids are closed after cooling down and sent to storage until winter. The main recipe for jam from zucchini and apples is mastered.

Another recipe for a simple and tasty jam

This recipe is really simple, but you are at the exitget such a tasty jam that every home on your tea every winter night will invite all friends and relatives. By the way, it can be used as a filling for cakes and pies. Products: 250 grams of young zucchini or zucchini, half a kilogram of apples, 250 grams of apricot, not too soft and a kilogram of granulated sugar. Preparation: remove the washed apricots from the bones and cut them into slices. Apples and zucchini rub on a large grater.

how to cook jam from zucchini with apples
Fold all this into a cooking container, pour it insugar and mix well. We put on the plate and cook. We wait for the boil and remove the foam. Cook until the jam becomes as thick as a good sour cream. Sweet billet pour on small jars, preferably up to 0.5 liters, pre-prepared. We put them on a water boiling bath and warm up for about 15 minutes. After that, close the lid. Now we have thoroughly studied how to cook jam from zucchini with the addition of apples.

We prepare zucchini jam

For a change, instead of zucchini, we usezucchini. We need: half a kilogram of apples and zucchini, 300 grams of sugar, lemon juice - four tablespoons, lemon balm or mint to taste, a peel of one large lemon. Well, we prepare jam from zucchini and apples. We clean the apples from the core, cut them into cubes and put them into the container in which we will brew our sweetness. Peel off the skin and seeds of zucchini, also cut into cubes and add to apples. Pieces are slightly smaller than in the first product. We send in a saucepan of zest, pour lemon juice and a hundred grams of water. The last component in the cooking process should be added as needed. Sometimes stirring, cook for 15 minutes, put melissa and mint - two ten-centimeter stalk. Another 10 minutes is ready. Then roll into pre-sterilized jars.

a recipe for jam from zucchini and apples

Jam from zucchini and sour apples

Honestly, it's always interesting to retreat a bitfrom standard recipes and see what will come of it. Sometimes experiments end very successfully. Prepare jam from zucchini with apples, only here are the last ones for this we take sour. We will need: zucchini - one kilogram, sugar - one kilogram, apples sour - 2-3 pieces, lemons - 1-2 pieces. Cut the zucchini, take out the middle, remove the cuticle and cut into cubes. Add the apples, slicing them, and fall asleep with sugar. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Lemons are finely chopped together with the skin and poured into a saucepan. We cook another 20 minutes. It turns out delicious. By the way, we add lemon as a preservative, so that the jam does not ferment.

We prepare jam from zucchini with apples in a multivark

As everyone knows, a multivar is an unusual thing. She manages to replace almost all kitchen appliances - from the oven to the frying pan. In it you can cook everything - from baking bread to soup. But with the jam the question is a bit more complicated.

jam from zucchini and apples
Its something we cook in basins, large pots,sometimes with a capacity of more than 10 liters. And the biggest multivar masters only six liters. For this reason, it is rarely done in the form of blanks for the winter, most often limited to volumes for a pleasant tea party. In addition, in the basin, the evaporation of moisture occurs quickly, the consistency of the product is ideal. If this is the appearance of jam for you are not important, then you can try to cook the sweetness in the multivark. Just do it carefully and carefully. It is not recommended to cover undissolved sugar in the bowl, you should use plastic or silicone ladles when pouring jam. The ratio of products to sugar is the same as when cooking in a basin, but the amount of sugar can be reduced.


Take just a kilogram - apples, zucchini and sugar, you can also have five grams of citric acid. We clean apples and zucchini, cut into cubes and put them in a bowl.

jam from zucchini with apples in a multivark
We fall asleep with sugar, add citric acid,set the "Steam cooking" mode, bring it to the boil, switch to "Quenching" mode, set the time one hour, cook until the signal. We do not need to add water, but we do not forget to remove the foam. Ready jam from zucchini with apples is transferred to sterilized beforehand jars and immediately rolled up, turned upside down and wrapped up with a warm blanket. In a day we put it away for storage.

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