/ / Parsley: calorie content of the product and its beneficial properties

Parsley: the caloric content of the product and its beneficial properties

Parsley is known since ancient times. Even the ancient Greeks were engaged in the cultivation of this greenery. In the Middle Ages, vegetable culture spread beyond the Balkan peninsula and became popular in Europe. A little later, parsley got to Russia, but initially it was used for medicinal purposes.

parsley caloric content

Characteristics of the plant

Parsley belongs to the umbrella family. This is a two-year-old short-stemmed plant, whose homeland is the Mediterranean coast.

Spicy vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals. Most of all in the parsley of vitamin C, so to get the daily rate of this useful substance, you need to eat just 50 grams of greens. Folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, carotene, as well as vitamins B2 and B1 - all this in large quantities contains parsley. Caloric content is very low in green. An especially valuable substance contained in a vegetable is inulin. It promotes the metabolic processes of glucose in the blood.

parsley calorie content per 100 grams

Cooking application

Parsley, the calorie content of which is so small,that it is considered a dietary product, is used for cooking dishes from meat, fish and vegetables. It is best to combine spicy greens with raw and stewed vegetables. Even with heat treatment, the product does not lose its useful properties, which other plants can not boast. In some countries parsley is served as a separate snack dish.

Parsley is used in raw and dried form, alsoit can be salted. With the advent of freezers, many housewives freeze fresh greens. In this form, it retains its useful, nutritional properties for a long time. A sheet of parsley is used to make salads, and the root is an excellent spice for soups, side dishes and fish dishes. In many national cuisines of Europe, Asia and America parsley is used. Caloric content of the product is low, and the medicinal properties of the herbs are priceless.

caloric content of parsley

Useful properties of parsley

The attractiveness of this spice is,that it has a pleasant taste, which gives the essential oil contained in the plant. The presence of a huge amount of substances makes parsley a very useful product, and even curative. The plant effectively helps prevent diseases such as stomach ulcers and gastritis, helps with kidney disorders. Low caloric content of parsley leaves the product with dietary properties.

The plant serves as a diuretic andhelps to excrete salt from the body. In case of immune system disorders, doctors are advised to use parsley, since the plant is endowed with immunomodulating properties, which is very useful for immunodeficiency.

Still need to eat carefully parsley,as the excess of the product can lead to the appearance of allergies and redness of the skin. It is also not recommended to eat a lot of greens to people who have serious kidney diseases. Especially it is dangerous in the period of exacerbation of the disease.

parsley caloric content

Parsley: caloric content per 100 grams

As already mentioned, parsley contains manyuseful microelements, vitamins and acids. Their content is so high that few fruits and vegetables can match this greenery. Here is just a small list of useful components and their role in the human body:

  • Iron. Responsible for the effectiveness of the circulatory system and hematopoiesis.
  • Potassium. It controls the water balance of the human body.
  • Magnesium. Microelement responsible for the smooth functioning of systems and organs. Relaxation of muscles depends on it.
  • Folic acid (B9). Participates in the processes of DNA synthesis. Indispensable for childbearing function. Its deficiency can lead to infertility.
  • Ascorbic acid (C). It improves immune processes, reduces cholesterol, participates in the synthesis of interferon.

All these factors point to how useful to humans parsley. Caloric content of greenery is only 49 kcal per 100 g of product. The plant is used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

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