/ / Tongue of Beef Recipes

Tongue of beef recipes

The generation of older people is stillthe pores consider the language of beef recipes, which are the best decoration of the festive table. This product is delicious in any form: fried, boiled, baked and jellied. The love of beef tongue among our people will never be lost.

Useful properties of the product

Useful properties contained in the language, there is a huge amount. The first of which is that it contains a large number of proteins. therefore Beef tongue, recipes from which it is considered to be dietary, are suitable even for feeding children.

The second useful property is the largethe content of iron in it. It is by the way involved in the process of oxygen exchange between air and blood. In addition to iron, beef tongue also contains zinc, which contributes to the normal functioning of the pituitary hormones.

Beef tongue also contains a large number ofvitamins: B12 and nicotinic acid. Without it, energy metabolism will not occur in our body, dermatitis and mental retardation will occur. And vitamin B12 provides the normal development of blood.

Using Beef tongue, recipes cooking which is easy to find on the Internet,we help our digestive and nervous system. It regulates the sugar content in a person's blood. And phosphoric acid is the main participant in the construction of various cell enzymes.

Tongue of beef recipes the preparation of which is always extremely interesting, is rightly called a delicacy. It has a delicate and delicate taste.

Language, recipes however, do not matter, before the preparation must be cleaned of fat, hyoid bone and other dense tissues

You can simply slice the tongue in thin slices, and then make a jellied one out of them. Or to prepare a favorite meat salad, in which to replace meat with beef tongue.

The tongue is boiled. Recipe cooking

Boiled tongue can be served either in hot or cold. In any of these options it will be very good.

What will be required:

1. Carrots - 1 piece;

2. Beef tongue;

3. Celery root;

4. Onion

As advised by professional culinary experts: salivate beef tongue for a few days. So it will turn out much more delicious. If you do not want to fidget with salting - you can cook and fresh product.

No matter which option you choose, the language you needclean and wash well. Then we put it in boiling water, before adding the celery root there. Beef tongue is cooked for at least two hours. Not sure about its readiness - pierce with a fork, if it easily entered, then the product is ready. Therefore, take out your tongue and immediately dip it into cold water. Then remove the skin from it.

If it is badly removed, you need to do it in a languagesmall cuts. Then you can remove the skin in parts. Poorly taken skins, says that the tongue was taken out of the pan too early, he had not yet fully cooked.

You can cast your tongue hot. Then you just need to cut it into slices. Beef tongue in this form will be a perfect addition to the garnish. For example, to mashed potatoes. Most of all as a sauce suitable sour cream, mustard and onion-tomato, as well as the language is well combined with horseradish.

But if you plan to make beef tonguecold dish, just cut it into slices, only thinner. Then you need to put them on a plate or roll them up nicely. As a side dish, green peas, cooked carrots or pickled cucumbers will do. Take what is currently at hand.

The tongue is fried in the dough. Recipe

Products: 700 grams of tongue, 25 grams of carrots, 25 grams of onions, 15 grams of parsley.

Dough: 90 grams of flour, one egg, 60 ml of milk, 60 grams of margarine, salt

Boil the tongue as usual. After the skin has been removed, it is necessary to cut it into slices, dip into the dough and fry, the rock does not form a golden crust.

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