/ / Internal and external structure of the female genital organ

Internal and external structure of the female sex organ

The female reproductive system is divided into internal and external genital organs. Between them is the hymen.

External structure of the sexual organs of women.

They consist of a clitoris, pubis, labia(large and small), the vestibule of the vagina and its large glands. In the main there is a regular external structure of the female sexual organ. Underdevelopment or abnormalities are rare.

The pubis is located on the anterior abdominal wall in its lower part. It is a small elevation.

Below the pubis on both sides of the sexual slithave large labia. In their lower parts are large secretory glands, secret during excitation and during sexual intercourse secret. Their thickness contains fat-rich cellulose.

Between the big lips are very delicateskin folds pink (small lips). Their structure does not contain fatty tissue, but it contains sebaceous glands, nerve endings and blood vessels. The increased sensitivity of the small lips makes it possible to refer them to the organs of sexual arousal (like the clitoris). In some cases, the outward structure of the female genital organ is distinguished by excessively actively developed small lips. In doing so, they close the vaginal entrance and hang over the large labia.

Clitoris, as a rule, is located a little higherentrance to the vagina. However, the structure of the female sexual organ in each individual woman is individual. So, the clitoris can be too high or too low in relation to the input. Its structure and shape corresponds to the male member, with only one difference - in size. The clitoris is much smaller than the penis. In some women, in an unexcited state, it is difficult to detect the clitoris by touch. With sexual stimulation, it increases in size, begins to protrude above the labia.

The inner surfaces of small lips restrictboth sides of space, which is called the vestibule vestibule. In front there is a clitoris, behind - a site of confluence of small and large lips. Above it covers the hymen (or its remains).

The mucosal sheets with embedded betweenmuscle bundles of muscle tissue form the hymen. Through the holes in it (one or several) of different size and shape, the menstrual blood is released. Sometimes there is a structure of the female genital organ, which from the earliest age does not have a hymen. In many cases, the hymen is stretched during the first sexual intercourse, but it persists until the very birth.

The internal structure of the female organs involved in sexual intercourse and childbirth includes: the vagina (vagina), the fallopian tubes, the uterus and the ovaries.

The vagina has the shape of an elastic tube,stretchable. The average depth of the female vagina is about eight centimeters. It starts from the cervix, forming depressions (vaults) and ends at the hymen (or its remains). Inside the vagina is covered with an elastic three-layered shell. A large number of folds allows the vagina to stretch during sexual intercourse and childbirth.

Between the rectum and the bladder of a womanthe uterus is located. This organ has a pear-shaped form. The wide upper part, which has a triangular cavity, is called the body; lower, protruding into the vagina, - neck. In the direction of the cervix, the uterus narrows and passes into a narrow canal. It passes through the cervix and opens in the vagina with the "outer yaw of the uterus". The upper part of the uterine cavity is connected to the fallopian tubes.

From the upper corners of the uterine cavity to the abdominal cavitythe pipes leave. They have a length of the order of ten to twelve centimeters and are widened at the ends. In the enlarged area of ​​the fallopian tube, the fertilization of the egg is carried out.

On the sides of the uterus is a paired body of almond-shaped ovaries. Their average length is four centimeters, the width is about two, and the thickness is about one and a half centimeters.

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