/ / Inguinal lymphadenitis - types and methods of treatment

Inguinal lymphadenitis - types and methods of treatment

Inguinal lymphadenitis is acute or chronicdisease of the lymph nodes, which arises from the arrival, together with lymph microorganisms, the smallest foreign bodies, the products of tissue decay, which cause an inflammatory reaction.

More often, lymphadenitis occurs in chronicand acute inflammatory processes, for example, a purulent wound, an ulcer, a furuncle, fistulas that pass in the body. Less often, it can occur in the presence of common infectious diseases. Inguinal lymphadenitis is usually expressed by enlarged lymph nodes, but this does not mean that any increase in them signals an inflammatory process. In some cases, not the lymphatic process, but the overdevelopment of the lymphadenoid tissue of the nodes.

The fact that you develop inguinal lymphadenitis,can signal redness of the skin in this area, enlarged lymph nodes. With the further development of the disease and the failure to provide proper medical care, a purulent process can begin. In connection with these distinguish such forms of the disease: simple or catarrhal lymphadenitis, hyperplastic lymphadenitis and purulent lymphadenitis. Also, fibrinous lymphadenitis may occur, and with rapid necrosis of the lymph node necrotic lymphadenitis may occur, but these forms are rare.

If inguinal lymphadenitis is purulent ornecrotic, then in such cases the death of the knot itself and its purulent decomposition occur. The resulting pus can be in the capsule and form an abscess or the capsule may break up, in which case all of its contents go into the surrounding tissue. In this case, usually begins inflammation of the cellulose.

Inguinal lymphadenitis - symptoms

With the flow of lymph infection comes inThe lymph nodes. In this case, pain begins to appear in the inguinal region, and there is a marked increase in the lymph nodes themselves. If the inflammatory process passes into the stage of formation of suppuration, then the pain sensations increase significantly. Near the lymph node there is a painful and dense formation, a person's appetite disappears and the temperature rises. The lymph node itself loses its mobility. Any movement greatly increases the pain. If you do not conduct a timely opening of the suppuration formed, the pus will start to penetrate into the surrounding tissue affected tissue. In this case, it is also possible to switch the process of pus formation to the lymph nodes that are located side by side. If the purulent inflammation is progressive, the patient will continue to increase body temperature, there will be a chill and a rapid pulse.

Inguinal lymphadenitis - treatment and prevention

While the disease has not passed into the stage of suppuration,conservative treatment is carried out. The patient should be more in a state of rest and warmth, he also needs to do aseptic bandages, a Novocain blockade according to Vishnevsky and penicillin therapy. Together with this, it is necessary to treat the primary focus.

When there is purulent lymphadenitis, whichcomplicated phlegmonous or necrotic process, carry out a cut, remove pus and necrotic tissue. Also, drainage of the open cavity is performed, antibiotics and sulfonamides are used.

In the treatment of chronic lymphadenitis,determine the source of inflammation and conduct primarily its treatment. If such a source can not be determined, then local X-ray therapy and restorative treatment are performed. Removal of lymph nodes is undesirable, since it can lead to lymphostasis and the development of elephantiasis.

In order to prevent the inguinallymphadenitis should be timely and correctly treats primary foci that cause infection, namely, the opening and drainage of detected purulent foci.

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