/ / The drug "Gelomirtol forte." Instructions

The drug "Gelomyrtol forte." Instructions

The remedy "Gelomyrtol forte" is included in the groupexpectorant preparations of plant origin. The medicine is produced in the form of oblong transparent gelatinous soft capsules. Inside there is a colorless oily liquid, which has a characteristic odor. The drug has mucolytic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects. The drug "Gelomirtol forte" (the instruction confirms these data) when ingested is absorbed quickly enough. The concentration reaches a maximum in one to three hours. Can be found in milk and penetrate the placenta. About 60% of the drug and its decay products are excreted through the kidneys, about 2% - by the lungs and 5% - by the intestine.

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The medication is recommended in combined therapy of pathologies of the respiratory system. In particular, the drug "Gelomyrtol forte" is prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis, bronchitis (acute or chronic).


Not recommended for cholelithiasis andurolithiasis, hypersensitivity, bronchial asthma, at the age of up to ten years. Contraindicated treatment during pregnancy (first trimester) and lactation.

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Side effect

The medicine can cause an allergic reaction. Usually it is associated with drug intolerance. In patients with this, there are itching, redness, bronchospasm. On the basis of therapy there is in a number of cases dry mouth, tachycardia, flatulence. To the negative consequences of the drug "Gelomyrtol forte" instruction refers to vomiting, soreness in the stomach, increased mobility of stones in the gallbladder or kidneys. In case of complications, general deterioration of the condition should be consulted with a doctor.

Dosing regimen

Medication "Gelomyrtol forte" instructionrecommends taking before meals, for thirty minutes. In acute inflammation, adults are prescribed 3-4 r / day for 1 capsule, for chronic - twice a day in the same dose. To improve the clearance of sputum on the soil of bronchopulmonary pathologies, the capsule can also be taken before bedtime. For children from 10 to 18 years, the capsule is prescribed 2 r / day, for chronic - 1 r / d. The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the intensity of the course of the pathology and is established by a specialist.

gelomyrtol forte instructions

The drug "Gelomyrtol forte." Instructions. Price. additional information

The cost of the medicine is from 200 rubles. In case of an overdose, side effects occur. In particular, there is vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, convulsions. When severe poisoning, breathing is disturbed, a coma is possible. In these cases, there is a high probability of complications, in particular, violations of the cardiovascular system. As a therapy prescribe 3 ml / kg of vaseline oil, gastric lavage, ventilation. In practice, there were no clinically important cases of drug interaction with other medicines. It is not allowed to change the reception scheme yourself. Before applying the medication, you need to study the annotation.

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