/ / How to strengthen your health: vitamins to improve immunity

How to Strengthen Your Health: Vitamins for Enhancing Immunity

The world around us constantly experiences ourimmune system. City dust, stressful situations, heavy loads - all these factors affect our health, making us more vulnerable to various diseases. That's why our body constantly needs support, and vitamins to improve immunity - this is exactly what you need.

vitamins to enhance immunity
Why is it weakening?

Let's understand, under the influence of what factors there is a decrease in the body's resistance to disease.

  • The ecological situation leaves much to be desired. It's no secret that in recent years it is getting worse, which adversely affects the person, draining him physically and mentally.
  • Nutrition is one of the main factors that affects the state of our immunity, because, probably, everyone knows the statement: "We are what we eat".
  • Stressful situations and overload, which a person experiences daily, negatively affect his health.
  • Antibiotics also undermine our immune system. After all, these drugs, along with pathogenic bacteria, destroy a healthy microflora, especially from this intestine.

increase immunity
What vitamins are needed to improve the immune system

That in case of illness the organism could easily cope with it, it is necessary to constantly strengthen immunity. Increase it will help vitamins. The most significant of them are:

  • Vitamin C. Affects the rate of antibody formation inhuman body, which are needed to combat colds and infections. In large quantities it is found in apples, citrus, cabbage, garlic, dog rose and currant.
  • Vitamin A. Very important for immunity, as it increasesthe number of leukocytes in the blood, due to which the body forms a strong protection against pathogens. This substance is abundant in carrots, persimmon and spinach.
  • Elements of group B - very important vitamins to improve immunity,because they provide the body with energy. In addition, they help to resist the penetration of pathogens into our body. They contain in such products as: liver, eggs, green peas, fish, buckwheat and nuts.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). Promotes the production of special antibodies. They prevent the destruction of cells and the ingestion of viruses and microbes into the body. It is found in vegetable oils, butter and milk, as well as in walnuts.

than to increase immunity
Measures to strengthen immunity

Anyone who cares about the conditionHis health is asked by the question: how to strengthen the body's resistance? Of course, vitamins to enhance immunity are very important, as they increase the protective functions of our body, but what other measures can be taken? It is necessary to monitor your diet, exercise, often walk in the fresh air. A good effect on the immune system has a Russian bath, because together with sweat from the body go heavy metals, metabolic products, toxins and pathogens. One visit per week is enough. Also, residents of urban slums will benefit from a contrast shower in the morning. But bad habits can cause significant damage to human health. After all, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine are able to remove vitamins from the body. If in this article you have not found the answer to the question, how to strengthen immunity, then consult a specialist who will definitely give useful advice.

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