/ / What is pyelonephritis: diagnosis and signs

What is pyelonephritis: diagnosis and signs

There is a huge number of kidney diseases. Now we will talk about what pyelonephritis is, consider the signs of the disease, as well as possible ways of diagnosing.

what is pyelonephritis
Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory diseasekidney, which is characterized by the defeat of the parenchyma (functional tissue) of the kidney, pelvis and calyx. As a rule, the disease is much more common in women than in men. The causative agents of the inflammatory process are enterococci, Staphylococcus, Proteus, Escherichia coli, and also Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Most often the penetration of the pathogen is associated withthrowing urine into the kidneys due to prostate enlargement, bladder overflow, increased intravesical pressure due to hypertonia, stones, obstructed urinary outflow or structural abnormality.

What is pyelonephritis: what is it dangerous?

Each exacerbation of the disease involvesinflammatory process of others, intact areas of the kidneys. Through time, instead of normal tissue, a scar is formed. As a result of protracted pyelonephritis, the parenchyma decreases (functional tissue). In the end, the body completely ceases to function. If both kidneys are affected, then kidney failure occurs. To maintain the vital functions of the body, the affected organ is replaced with a special apparatus.

diagnostics of pyelonephritis
Diagnosis of pyelonephritis

The disease is manifested by chills, aching, bluntpain in the lower back, impaired appetite, increased temperature (up to 40 ° C), and general weakness. As a rule, with reflux the cup-and-pelvic system widens. This change can be seen on ultrasound. Using X-ray, you can also see the state of the kidneys.

Signs of pyelonephritis:

  • increase of leukocytes, salts, epithelium and erythrocytes in urine;
  • sediment and turbidity.

If there is protein, then we can talk about inflammation of the kidneys, as well as the violation of the mechanism of blood filtration.

What is pyelonephritis: treatment of the disease

As a rule, it is necessary to treat this illness in a complex way,including measures aimed at eliminating the causes of pyelonephritis, as well as antibiotic therapy. Of course, antibiotics can quickly remove inflammation, but the cause can not be eliminated in this way.

Antibiotic therapy of the disease

It is necessary to select drugs based on the resultsurine culture to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to different drugs. As a rule, acute pyelonephritis is treated with antibiotics, for example, with the drug "Tziprolet". The duration of this therapy is 2-3 weeks.

signs of pyelonephritis
What is pyelonephritis: the causes of the disease

Possible causes of the disease can beinclude reflux, which is caused by difficulty with urination, complication of cystitis, increased intravesical pressure, anatomical abnormalities in the structure of the ureters, as well as overflow of the bladder and disruption of the sphincters.

Timely treatment is the key to a quick recovery! If you have the first symptoms of the disease, immediately consult a doctor.

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