/ / White coating on the glans penis

White coating on the glans penis

The reason for the fact that a representative of the stronger sexthere was a white touch on the head of the penis, maybe an ordinary candidiasis. People call the disease a milkmaid. It manifests itself not only in men, but also in women. Its occurrence is most often associated with the adoption for a long time of any strong drug, most often antibiotics. In addition to this, the weakening of immunity or the immunodeficiency virus, diabetes mellitus and many other things also contributes to the manifestation of this disease on the head of the penis. White coating in this situation has a curdiness and a sour smell. Candida cause bending of a special kind of Candida.

It should be noted that their small amount islife is present in our body. However, it is the strong multiplication of these microorganisms and leads to the appearance of the first signs of thrush as a disease. If we talk only about men, in case of their infection with candidiasis, the head of the penis and its foreskin are most often affected. The disease itself manifests itself in the form of burning, itching and pain during urination. In addition, the penis can turn red and even swell. In the area of ​​the prepuce a white coating on the head is formed. During sexual contact, a man can feel discomfort and constant urge to urinate. Any specialist will be able to diagnose the appearance of thrush, based on the complaints of his patient and the results of tests. Of course, only after a comprehensive examination can be appointed any treatment suitable for a particular patient.

White coating on the head of the penis does not appearonly because of thrush. The cause of such formations is often syphilis or gonorrhea. Also, its occurrence can provoke psoriasis, fungal infections, swelling of the genital organ, herpes and much more.

Diseases that contribute to the fact thatappears white coating on the head of the penis, are often infectious or inflammatory. In any case, it is simply impossible to determine the disease precisely in one outward appearance only. Regardless of what appeared on the penis of men: vesicles, ulcers or spots, erosion or tubercles - it is necessary not to try to independently diagnose yourself (and even less to be treated with all improvised drugs), and to visit your doctor as soon as possible. The universal method, drug and treatment in general does not exist in our time. We need a compulsory individual approach.

White coating on the head of the male sexual organmust be cleaned several times a day. It is not difficult to do this. You just need to use ordinary soap and a little warm water. Thanks to these simple at first glance recommendations, a representative of the stronger sex will be able to get rid of unpleasant sensations in the inflamed zone. Sometimes it is enough to just carefully and carefully look after and keep clean, using the rules of personal hygiene. However, in most cases this is not enough. The thing is that people are not accustomed to pay attention to all sorts of "trifles". Therefore, if a man has any feelings of this type, he is unlikely to start immediately to treat and find out the cause of this kind of ailment. In fact, every person should regularly visit an appropriate specialist. This will not only quickly recover, but also prevent the development of those diseases in which there is a white coating on the head of the penis.

In conclusion, it should be said that only a doctor canprescribe suitable drugs in order to cure the disease in which a representative of the stronger sex appears on the heads of a member of a white plaque. It is for this reason that you do not need to be treated at home if you are not sure of the diagnosis.

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