/ / New about the old. Licorice root syrup, instructions for use and its features.

New about the old. Licorice root syrup, instructions for use and its features.

History of licorice as a medicinal plantbegan even before our era. Specialists of both eastern and western medicine at that time noticed and began to use glycyrrhizic acid, which is found in the roots of licorice and is fifty times higher in sweetness than ordinary sugar.

The most widespread licorice received inChina. For four thousand years, it is considered almost the main drug for maintaining immunity and improving the condition of the body as a whole. Ancient Romans, Egyptians and Greeks knew, advised to combat stress and physical overload syrup of licorice root, how to take and why should be used. For example, in the army under the leadership of Alexander the Great, the dry licorice roots were necessarily part of the soldier ration. Fearless warriors chewed them during campaigns to remove thirst and increase combat effectiveness.

Nowadays, for both adults and root syruplicorice for children successfully helps in the treatment of colds and ailments associated with inflammation of the respiratory system, with weakened immunity and a reduced level of blood sugar.

Licorice root syrup, instructions for usewhich in modern phytopathy advises this drug for diseases of the genitourinary, digestive system, as it softens and dilutes the bitter cleansing compounds with its sweet taste and saturates the body with sodium, magnesium, silicon.

In medical practice, licorice root syrup,the instruction says that this amazing plant used in the preparation is cleaned from the cork and not cleaned from it. In its root process it contains:

-first, glycyrrhizic acid and licurazide. They have anti-inflammatory effects in gastritis and expectorant for bronchitis. It is due to glycyrrhizin, the ciliated epithelium is activated and the secretion of the mucous membrane in the respiratory system is increased;

- Secondly, liquidoritoside, flavonoids, essential oils and other active pharmacological substances. They have spasmolytic, wound-healing and hormonal action;

-in third, in the excretory system, licoricehelps reduce the conversion of the enzyme cortisol into cortisone. Due to this property, the amount of sodium in the blood serum decreases, which leads to activation of fluid withdrawal from the body, decrease in body weight, and, consequently, blood pressure.

More specifically and precisely the licorice root syrup,the instruction on him says that the drug should be used for people suffering from the disease of the upper respiratory tract, gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer disease, addison disease.

It is best to take the liquorice syrup withafter meal. Adults recommend one tablespoon, children under the age of twelve - half a teaspoon or one dessert spoon, depending on the body weight. The drug is preferably not diluted, and drink a standard consistency. Duration of syrup intake should be from five days and more, taking into account the individual characteristics of each individual's organism and the conditions of tolerance.

Prolonged intake of the preparation of licorice root syrup, instruction, its non-compliance can lead to the formation of various allergic reactions in the form of an itchy rash and skin hyperemia.

Very carefully, the syrup should be used by individuals,having an index of increased sugar in the blood serum. And patients who have diabetes in their history, this drug is generally contraindicated. Syrup of licorice root is a wonderful remedy, but it should be used in accordance with the prescription of the doctor.

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