/ / What can not be done on a first date: advice

What can not be done on a first date: advice

You have a first date with a man whoyou like? Then any girl will say that this event requires serious preparation. But no matter how you dress, no matter what makeup and hairstyle you do, it's still important how you behave. After all, the first impression is formed not only from external factors. It is important to know what can not be done on the first date.

what can not be done on a first date
First of all, do not expect too much from him. If you think that a cute brunette should be cheerful and witty, then in reality everything can be exactly the opposite. You need to adjust yourself to a neutral meeting. And do not be upset if the first date is the last. Everything in life happens.

What can not you do on your first date? Never agree to a meeting in a place where you will be all alone. In today's world, this is imprudent and simply dangerous. Who knows who your new friend will be. Ideal option - a small cafe or park, where there are a lot of walking people.

what to say on a first date
What can not you do on your first date yet? Definitely, to look is not appropriate situation. Do not wear an outfit in which you are uncomfortable, do not apply a bright make-up, do not use perfume with aggressive smells and so on. All these little things can alienate the potential groom.

Many girls think that being late ismysteriously and attractively. Yes, if you are late in moderation. Ten minutes is an acceptable period. Do not act unnatural. Do not try to impress too clearly. Guys are more attracted by openness and naturalness.

first date with a man
What can not be done on the first date, so it's talking on the mobile phone. If you always talk with someone, the young man will decide that the meeting is not very interesting for you.

Do not interrupt a guy when he has somethingHe speaks. Keep calmly, without unnecessary emotions. But you do not need to clam up too. If a young man jokes, then you need to try to sincerely laugh. Do not tell him about the huge number of problems in your life.

It is important to be able to flirt without being imposed, intriguing. Shooting with eyes is inappropriate. You can just lead an intriguing conversation, several times unobtrusively touch his hand.

Do not argue, prove your superiority over the interlocutor. Even if this is your nature, it is better not to show it.

What to say on the first date? Themes can be neutral. Tell a few stories from your life. Do not invent and write stories. Do not speak immediately about your shortcomings and virtues. A date is not a questionnaire. Do not talk about something bad and unpleasant. And after the end of the meeting, do not ask the first one to see you again. The initiative should come from your chosen one.

And at last you will be useful to remember thatthere are moments that should be alarming. If a guy makes a huge amount of compliments, says bad things about friends and acquaintances, touches on the topic of drugs and alcohol, it's best not to look for more meetings with him. This can lead to trouble.

Here are some simple rules. If you are an adequate, self-confident girl, then you will not have problems.

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