/ / Science intensity is an important component of modern production

Science intensity is an important component of modern production

To assess objects and events, there is a largenumber of characteristics and parameters. One of them is science-intensive. This is a parameter that is used in production in the development of products and technology. More about this is described in this article.

Science intensity is an important component of modern production

This metric is used to displaythe proportion that exists between production and scientific and technical activities in the form of the amount of costs that go to scientific developments in terms of unit of goods or services. This parameter is given a quantitative estimate. Also, science intensity can be represented in the form of a ratio of the number of employees engaged in research activities to the total number of personnel in the enterprise or even in the whole industry.

science intensity is
Thus, science intensity can be determined bythe amount of costs that are allocated to research, by their ratio to the volume of sales of the product. There is a tendency to increase the proportion of intellectual labor to the cost of production. Therefore, it can be said that science intensity is one of the important indicators of the competitiveness of goods or services provided.

What technologies are called science-intensive?

Such designations are used for segmentsvarious areas that implement the developed innovations, and which are difficult or impossible to recreate under improper conditions. High technology implies the presence of investment in research to obtain results. They include:

  • electronics;
  • robotics;
  • wireless technologies;
  • software;
  • nanotechnology;
  • security systems;
  • environmentally friendly technologies, which positively affect energy saving;
  • alternative energy;
  • navigation technologies;
  • biotechnology;
  • development in the field of medicine;
  • technologies that have a dual and defense purpose.

science and technology
As you can see, science and technology are moving together. Let us elaborate on why these directions are important for us.

Importance of high technology

As you can see, the aboveareas can greatly simplify life. All of them are the results of scientific research. It should be noted that their use is not mandatory, but think about how difficult it will be to walk for water to the nearest well? Or what will be the effectiveness of agricultural work, if you have to dig everything with shovels and not with tractors? Science intensity is an important parameter, which allows more and more people to simplify physical work with the help of progressive developments. Theoretically, in the future it will be possible to achieve that the majority of human resources will be directed to scientific or cultural delights. Accordingly, science and technology will greatly improve the life of the inhabitants of the planet.

How to calculate the science intensity?

Casually, this issue was covered a little earlier. But let us dwell in more detail on determining the science intensity of the branches.

factor of science
So, to do this, compute a set of parameters such as:

  1. The cost of research and development forrelative to the volume of production of commodity or gross output. Also, as a comparative parameter, the national income generated and the volume of shipped products can be used.
  2. The number of specialists who are engaged in research, and those who help them in relation to the total number of people involved in this industry.
  3. The cost of scientific development to the amount that is used for industrial and industrial personnel and the amount of fixed assets of the industry that are involved in the production of products.

By results of researches in our country more oftenall methods are used, where the amount of money that is sent to search is placed in the forefront. This indicator is paired with either a price base, or with the number and qualification of the staff. Ultimately, the methods of combining are often used to get the best possible result.

Nuances of science intensity

The quantity does not always lead to quality. The factor of science intensity, of course, is important, in order to assess the state of affairs in production, but it is not determinative. It is necessary to remember that people differ in their nature, pace of work, knowledge, talents and other parameters, and characteristics. Also, a certain influence can be played by luck: it is worth remembering the detection of X-rays. Therefore, it is not necessary to be sure of obtaining the same result with identical characteristics.

In more detail about the factor of science intensity

He is remembered, as a rule, speaking of the newestindustries. They, in turn, gravitate toward large scientific centers, which are big cities. As a result, something new has emerged. These are specialized cities of science: technoparks and technopolises.

results of scientific research
They fully implemented the technological chain, starting from basic research, ending with the sale of invented products. Let's take a closer look at the main actors:

  1. Technopark. This is the name of the agglomeration of science-intensive firms that are grouped around a university, institute or laboratory. The main task of these forms of organization is to shorten the time for which scientific ideas are put into practice.
  2. Technopolis. Similarly, they call a complex scientific and productive town, which was specially built to deal with advanced technologies, the training of specialized personnel and knowledge-intensive industries.


So, science-intensive is an important factor fordetermining the effectiveness of the economy. Of course, this parameter does not solve all problems independently. It should be noted that research in some areas of science is not carried out because they are too expensive and do not attract quick profits. Therefore, developments in such areas lie mainly on the shoulders of the state.

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