/ / Eve is ... A few meanings of the word

Eve is ... A few meanings of the word

This word comes from the ancient Greek "canon"and has several meanings in the Russian language. Eve is a day (in some cases - an evening), preceding the holiday, and time before an important event, and a ritual memorial church accessory, and a memorial dish or drink, and a musical instrument.

the eve of it

Ritual sense

Eve (this is the oldest, probably the meaningwords) denotes a table, usually quadrangular, on which there are receptacles for funeral candles or candlesticks. The table top is marble or metal. Also, this concept denotes the place where products are brought to commemorate the deceased. It is located next to the tetrapod. Just before this kanunnik, on which stands the Crucifixion, as well as the images of the Theotokos and St. John the Evangelist, the requiems and services for the repose are held. The believer, putting a candle in the holder of the canon, utters a certain prayer addressed to the Lord, with requests to forgive sins and create an eternal memory.

the eve of it

Filled with bun

Eve is water that is sweetened with honey, orhoney honeysuckle. Well-fed mead - those that twice fermented. And if the bread was sliced ​​in a whisk and roll, then it turned out the eve. This dish, combined with kutya (kolivom), pancakes, kissel in the traditions of the Eastern Slavs was usually served at the memorial table. But at the same time, at the same time, it was also a general delicacy that gave life to the expression "to eat your fill," which meant "to eat everything, to reach the sweet table."

The threshold of the event

In the general cultural context, one of the mostthe commonly used meanings of the word eve - "the time preceding some event, as a rule, significant." For example: on the eve of an important meeting, on the eve of the attempt, on the eve of the holiday.

Adverb "on the eve" can also be used in this context. For example: on the eve of the talks, on the eve of the prayer service, on the eve of the rally.

Christmas Eve

In this sense, and in this context, the word is used most often. Especially in the last decades of the revival of Christian Orthodoxy in Russia. What does the expression "Christmas Eve" mean?

Christmas Eve

Under this phrase, as a rule,means evening (on the eve) before the holiday of the Savior's Nativity. It falls on December 24 (January 6). This evening is called a nomadic, Christmas Eve, holy evening at different Slavic peoples. At this time it was supposed to be intensively prepared for the holiday. In the traditions of Orthodoxy - the refusal of food to the first star (implied by the Bethlehem) and the breakup of kutya and osovom (honey - a symbol of spiritual gifts).

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