/ List of compliments to the girl. The three main principles

List of compliments to the girl. The three main principles

Not all men know how to make compliments to girls. Our article is for those who want to learn this. Compliments to the girl, whose list can easily come up, have always been an important part of communication between a man and a woman. They were extremely quoted at the first meeting. Sometimes their quality depended on how successful the acquaintance would be. In general, the conclusion is one: a man should be able to speak words-compliments to a girl, and at the highest level. Let's note the key principles that must be observed.

list of compliments to the girl

1. Inadvertence

The most important thing is to praise without reproach and honestly. It is unlikely that a pre-compiled list of compliments to the girl that you begin to expound first counter, she might like, especially if you praise something that she does not have. That is, verbally it is necessary to express only what is inherent in every particular woman. When it is obvious that the girl is not distinguished by sanity and foresight, one should not call her an intellectual. Flattery can "go" on hand, but in the future everything will be worse. Say compliments from the heart.

2. Mindfulness

Some men in theory know how to docompliments, but not always they can apply it in practice. It is enough to be a little more careful than the others and first to notice the specific details of the female image. Even if the girl's clothes do not have anything remarkable, focus on her manners or body features. For example, during a smile, her cheeks appear dimples. The main thing - do not be confused! You can say: "You have such delightful dimples! Smile more often! "Well, it will be very useful to have in the head a ready list of compliments to the girl. This will help overcome insecurity.

compliments the girl list

3. Unconventionality

This principle is the continuation of the second. When in the first seconds of the meeting you noticed a beautiful hairstyle or outfit for a girl, then immediately tell her about it. As a thank you, she will certainly give you an embarrassment or a mysterious smile. And it's best to come up with as much as possible non-standard compliments. For example, "you are gorgeous" sounds a little trite. But the praise "you are beautiful, like a ray of sunshine" a girl just does not often favor.

List of compliments to the girl

We will not give concrete phrases, which are quite easy to think up on their own, but focus on what exactly one can praise in a girl. Here is an example list:

  • head: hair, lips, smile, eyelashes, eyes;
  • body: neck, figure, chest, posture, tummy, waist, etc .;
  • hands: skin, fingers, manicure;
  • legs: pedicure, knees, feet, hips, gait.

words compliments the girl

Also praise the style, thoughts, beliefs, manners,skills, personal qualities, etc. This list can be continued for a long time. The main thing - the presence of imagination. If at first you do not really get to praise the dignity of women, do not get discouraged. Make a list of compliments to the girl in advance and continue to practice. Soon you will learn to notice the details, from the praise of which women will be delighted. And remember that absolutely all girls like compliments. So do them as often as possible!

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