/ / Animals of the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region: description, photo

Animals of the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region: description, photo

Animals of the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region -mainly inhabitants of the steppes and forest-steppes. The publication itself was published in 1998 and 2000. At first only plants were published, then animals. In 2008, the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region was thoroughly revised. Plants and animals of certain species were excluded from it. The Novosibirsk Ministry of Natural Resources is responsible for compliance with the measures to restore the population. Any violation - hunting, cutting down, deliberate destruction - is punishable by law.


This is the most numerous part of the list of environmental documents, the animals of the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region are no exception. We will analyze those species that cause the greatest fear.

Steppe steppe is a large grasshopper squadron. Known individuals, reaching 75 mm in length.

Animals of the Novosibirsk region included in the red book
A special note is a pair of stripes along the entire body. He prefers to dwell on tall grasses. This creates a limiting factor: the bevel and the destruction of habitats.

Apollo ordinary - a butterfly, guarded notonly on the Novosibirsk land, but also throughout the country. It has fairly large wings of gray-white color with a pattern typical of all Apollo: large black spots. The cause of death - human activity, aimed at the bevel of meadow grasses, grazing in places where caterpillars develop.

False black-eyed dandelion - another butterfly,whose number is dangerously low. It does not look like other butterflies: it has large front wings and a fairly elongated body. The limiting factors are the same as in other insects: the destruction of habitats.

Fish and reptiles

The animals of Novosibirsk region, listed inThe red book is also fish. On the verge of extinction is the Siberian sturgeon. It is considered the largest fish of the region: adult individuals exceed 40 kilograms. The habitat is the Ob river, at the very bottom of the Novosibirsk region (if you look at the map). The most important enemy of this rare fish is poachers, as well as human economic activity on the river banks, for example, the organization of reservoirs.

Lenok is a fish from the salmonid family, the number of which is catastrophically small.

Animals of the Novosibirsk region included in the red book
The weight of an adult varies from 700 grams to 3kilograms, the color is olive. In the Novosibirsk region, there are not enough places for possible fish habitation: it prefers river rapids, sources or mouths of river tributaries in lakes.

Only one reptile (Shield-mound common)The Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region contains. Plants and animals brought into it, need special protection. The population of the screenworm (snake) lives in a very limited space, which can change at any time due to human activity - this is the limiting factor.


As for birds, these are very numerousAnimals of the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region. And many of them are under protection not only in this region, but all over Russia. These birds include pelicans curly and pink. Birds are similar to each other, differ in size (pink finer), color. Also the curly pelican has a fancy plumage on the back of the head, for which it received its name.

Proud flamingos are animals of the Novosibirsk region, brought to the Red Book.

red book of the Novosibirsk region plants and animals
These large birds on long legs are the only ones that live in our country. The problem of reducing the number is the change in the water level in the nesting grounds, because of which the nests are flooded.

I would like to mention birds of prey. First of all, these are eagles: the dwarf and steppe, the golden eagle and the burial ground; Also owls: house and passerine; owls: white and hawkish.


Warm-blooded animals of the Red Book of Novosibirskregions are represented by a large number of bats. These are night-nymphs: long-tailed, icon-bearing and pond. They live most often in dark buildings: attics, cellars - during the cold weather they roam into caves. All these three nightshocks differ in color: from light (pond) to dark (long-tailed). Ionic varieties are distinguished by their miniature sizes: this is the smallest bat.

animals of the red book of the Novosibirsk region
In addition, from the bats are protected light gray large tubercles, they are also called Siberian.

Large jerboa - another animalNovosibirsk region, listed in the Red Book. They inhabit the forest-steppe, which is often used in economic activities by a man, producing them plowing, processing chemicals.

Another worth noting is the long-eared hedgehog and the river otter.

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