/ / The most common types of chamomile

The most common types of chamomile

When there are various forms of ailments, peoplemost often resort to the help of drugs, often having unnatural, synthetic components. However, the body is best able to cope with diseases with the help of medicinal herbs, which have a soft and unobtrusive effect.

Types of chamomiles are impressive for their variety,but the most popular among them was the chamomile, used in most medicines. Due to its unique properties, it is able to cope with a number of serious diseases.

types of chamomile

This flower can be found not only in the steppe area, but along the roads. In addition, thanks to its unique medicinal properties, it is cultivated even on an industrial scale.

Chamomile Pharmacy: Species

Camomile can be found in all areas wherethe moderate climate prevails, due to which the plant does not need to create special conditions for development. Best of all, it takes root in an open area where the plant has access to high-grade lighting.

The most common types of chamomile in this group:

  • Azerbaijani;
  • golden;
  • Transcaucasian;
  • rough-berry;
  • southern.

Chamomile pharmacy has a rather characteristicdifferences from related species. It is a plant that does not exceed 50-60 cm in height. A characteristic smell is present not only in the baskets, but also in the leaves of the plant.

species of camomile garden

Inflorescences are held on a straight stem, while,because they are located in the same plane, they form a kind of saucer. The leaves of young shoots are externally similar to dill and do not exceed a length of 60 mm and a width of 18 mm.

It is noteworthy that the rest of the species of camomiles are distinguished not by leaves, but by the arched and empty inside the bottom of the baskets.

Chamomile: Species and Varieties

This type of plant is the most common, because it grows almost everywhere. The most common types of chamomile are:

  • Pharmacy or medicinal.
  • Chamomile fragrant, or non-lyophilized, - smalla plant whose height does not exceed 30 cm. The leaves are close to the stem. Flower baskets are small and placed on short peduncles. It is noteworthy that this kind of chamomile does not have white petals, characteristic for this flower, but it has a characteristic pleasant aroma.
  • Chamomile garden - a beautiful perennial plant. Types of camomile garden are very significant variety, because their number reaches 200 varieties. Among them, such varieties as Maxima Koenig, Sieger, Virrel Pride and Mayfield, which are distinguished by their unique semi-double flowers, became the most popular.
  • Chamomile odorless - for a given plant speciesis characterized by a straight stem, which has a bark in the upper part. The leaves are cut as well as the chamomile. White petals favorably border the yellow core. Most often this species of camomile can be seen among the cereals. Seeds are well established on almost any type of soil, if the depth of their penetration does not exceed 6 cm.

chamomile species and varieties

Despite the fact that all types of chamomile possessa characteristic appearance, they are often referred to as most plants with white petals. As an example, you can bring a plant such as Nivian, externally very similar to chamomile.

Useful properties of chamomile

Chamomile considerably exceeds the majoritymedicinal plants by the number of active elements, however, in most species it is the camomile that has the most essential features:

  • Antiseptic properties, which have a pronounced character, due to which it effectively destroys harmful microorganisms. Chamomile is successfully used for disinfection of wounds.
  • Treatment of skin and mucous membranes. In addition, it actively influences internal organs.
  • Cholagogue action.
  • Antimicrobial action, which allows it to be considered one of the most effective means of plant origin, used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A diaphoretic and sedative effect that positively affects the nervous system.

How to collect and store chamomile

Begin collecting and further harvesting flowerschamomile is needed at a time when the petals of the plant are located in a horizontal position. As a rule, it occurs approximately on the fourth day after the beginning of flowering. If the petals are pointing upwards, this indicates that the flowers are not yet ready for collection, and if they are lowered down - the flower is no longer suitable for collection.


Collect the plant better by hand together with a small handle. In the event that the plant will later be used only for bathing, it can be cut off immediately with the stem.

All kinds of chamomile must be collectedexclusively in the baskets. In this case, it is necessary to avoid collecting plants in plastic bags, so that the flowers are not steamed and could breathe freely. Drying them is best in a warm, shaded room with free circulation of air inside.

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