/ / Latest social networks: an overview of places for virtual communication

The newest social networks: an overview of places for virtual communication

So, today we are with you to learnthe newest social networks, and also "social networks", which are very popular among modern users. This is the only way to find a really good place for virtual communication. Sometimes the Internet can replace a lively, personal dialogue. So let's find out what are the newest social networks on the World Wide Web, and also try to find something suitable for ourselves.


the latest social networks

Here is the first place where you can be useful and funspend time, and also chat with other users. These are Icebergs. Created this project Albert Prett. It went the simplest way - it simply combined the numerous possibilities of the Internet that many people use in the modern world. And so there was the newest social network called Icebergs.

Here you can read books, draw, play,create, communicate, and also simply watch videos and write messages. To be honest, for now, access is by invitation only. This social network is under testing. And so at the moment it can not be used by everyone. But everyone has a chance. Maybe soon this service will become famous and will become extremely popular and useful.


The newest social networks may not bejust interesting, but also useful. For example, such as Bookish. This project was created especially for book lovers. In this place you can not only discuss books and communicate with like-minded people, but also read and buy goods.

new social networks

There is also a news line in whichthere are interviews with writers and publishers. To be honest, for a writer or a poet this is an excellent choice. You will not only entertain and communicate, but also get the opportunity to promote your own creativity!

In addition, Bookish will introduce you to the newestauthors and works. Even the most unknown. However, so far there are not a lot of visitors on this service. But their number is growing rapidly. Especially a lot of creative people appear there. New social networks, as you can see, are not only interesting, but also useful. So let's get acquainted with several more Internet projects that may be useful to you.


For example, it is worth paying attention to such anon-standard project, like Hey.Im. This site belongs to the category "the latest social networks". But it does not seem to you a normal page intended for virtual communication. Why? Let's try to understand this difficult question!

The thing is that Hey.Im designed to find friends by interests. It is always good to live among like-minded people. Or at least have an idea of ​​who lives behind the wall. In Russia, for the time being, this service is not very popular. After all, it often uses "Facebook". He helps to find a person at the address, as well as look at his profile, where interests are reflected.

the newest social network

But, most likely, will soon be replaced by Hey.Im.This project can easily tell you who is a doctor, who is a dentist, and who is a photographer. So there will be no problems with finding like-minded people among neighbors. Try it - you'll definitely like it. In any case, if not as an information social network, then just for the sake of entertainment.


As you can see, the latest social networks are prettyvarious. This is not just a place for communication. Before us every year there are more and more perfect, and sometimes comic services. This is exactly what Thumb refers to.

What to do here? Of course, communicate.But only in this social network there is one feature. The main purpose of the service is to approve or disapprove of the decisions of your comrades. That is, Thumb is a kind of "magic ball" that can help you to consult with other users when taking some actions.

a new social network for communication

It seems to be nothing special, but this new onea social network for communication and advice has already won the hearts of many users. Including in Russia. So we have a really good service. It takes only time to get used to it. And if you take into account the fact that everyone wants to express their opinion on this or that situation, then Thumb is a real gift for commentators and personalities, to whom it is important to insert their "5 kopecks" everywhere. Try it, you'll definitely like it!


New social networks, as you already couldto be sure, can be not just a place for communication, but also services that will help make decisions or make purchases. This is exactly the project Fancy.

What it is?This social network is designed specifically for collectors. Here you can communicate with like-minded people, post images of your collections, and also buy something for yourself. It's enough just to use the simplest search system with numerous filters - and you're done.

In other words, Fancy is a store, a blog, a social network, and a photo album. Unfortunately, so far outside of the US, it is not very well known. But its creators founded "Facebook" and "Twitter".

a new Russian social network

Popular in Russia

But where to communicate in Russia?What networks are most popular? For example, the new Russian social network is FactCloud. What it is? In fact, this is the domestic response overseas to Thumb. That is, you can communicate here, as well as help other users make decisions and evaluate their actions.

Of course, do not forget about the oldin social networks. This is "Facebook", "Twitter", "Instagram", "Classmates" and "VKontakte." Many users communicate here daily. Of course, they do not have the majority of functions that are available in the latest social networks, but, nevertheless, to communicate on these services is simple and convenient!

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