/ / How to get out of all VKontakte groups at once: an effective way

How to exit immediately from all VKontakte groups: an effective way

The social network "VKontakte" is active todayUsed to advertise business, promote websites and blogs, sell a variety of products. In addition, do not forget about the main purpose of the site as a platform for communication.

how to exit immediately from all groups vkontakte

Many users join communities whereyou can meet like-minded people. However, sometimes we forget ourselves and after a while we notice that we are already in a huge number of "public". And many of them are completely uninteresting to us. That's why it is recommended to know how to get out of all VKontakte groups at once, while saving a lot of time.

After reading this article, you do not have togo to the page of each community to leave it. Why? Because you will learn how to leave the VKontakte groups quickly. But first things first.

VKontakte groups. What it is?

So, what are the communities in thissocial network? As already mentioned above, there can be several reasons - advertising, promotion, a kind of club for interests. You can also create your "public" and promote it in order to attract potential customers.

how to quickly get out of groups

Suppose you are blogging, where, exceptcommunicate with readers, offer some of your services. After the publication of the article on the resource, you have the opportunity to share the announcement in your (and not only) group, which will certainly increase the flow of visitors to the blog.

In addition, by joining the community, you canexchange information with colleagues or people whose life position coincides with yours. But do not overdo it, because if you are in a lot of "public relations", then there will be little benefit - still you will not be able to communicate in all of them.

If you have already entered into an uncountable number of communities, then you need to know how to get out of all VKontakte groups at once, then to become a participant of those that are really interesting to you.

How to join a group or create your own?

Are you interested in this or that community? Or, perhaps, you do not want to refuse a friend who asks to enter his "public"? Fulfill his request, if it does not contradict your interests.

So, how to become a party to one or the othercommunity? Actually very easy. Refer to the section "My groups" and write the name "public" in the search field. On the right, under the community logo, you will see the button "Join the group". Her and press. That's all!

If you want to create your community, thenfirst of all it is necessary to think up a name for it and in the "My groups" section write it in the appropriate box. After that, safely click "Create community".

Remember, creating a group is easy. It is much more difficult to gather participants and keep them in the "public". Immediately think over the design of the community page, carefully plan all the menu items. In general, do so that the user is pleased to be in the group.

How do I leave the community?

Before you learn how to quickly get out of groups (all at once), learn to leave the individual communities. In fact, the entire operation is performed in a few clicks.

Open the section "My groups" and select "public", which you are no longer interested in. Under the logo there is a button with the inscription "You are in a group". Click on it and select "Exit group".

Everything, you are no longer in this community, but if you want you can re-enter it.

How to get out of all VKontakte groups at once?

In cases where the user is a membera lot of "public goods" and wants to leave them, the right solution is to install special programs that allow you to perform this operation as quickly as possible.

For example, you can open the VkOpt site and go to the application download page for all browsers. After selecting your web browser, download the program and install it.

how to leave groups vkontakte

Now sign out of your account"VKontakte", then again "log in". Turning to the "My Groups" section, you will notice that there is a new "Leave All" button. Tap it to leave all communities.


Now you know how to get out of all VKontakte groups at once, so you will save a lot of time that can be spent with benefit for yourself and others.

And, by the way, if you work in the browser "Google Chrome", then the program VkOpt can not be downloaded. Just go to the Chrome add-ons store and install the appropriate extension for the web browser.

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