/ / Error Access violation at address

Error Access violation at address

Nothing can annoy a gamer more thana variety of errors that can accompany certain games. And each of the errors has its own reasons and solutions, and sometimes it takes a lot of time to first find out what caused the error, and then to find effective ways to solve the problem. One of the most unloved bugs gamers is Access violation at address, which can not only prevent you from trying out another game, but in general to spoil the operating system itself. Naturally, you can reinstall your OS when this error occurs, but first you better consider other options that do not lead to global measures such as reinstalling the system.

Uninstall and install

access violation at address

Often the error Error access at addressoccurs when installing certain software, in particular computer games. And if you have this error, but it does not block the actions of the computer itself, then you still have a chance to save your information. Try to remove the installed program or game, but only through the control panel so that there are no traces of the stay in the system. After that, you can try to make the installation anew - it can well help if something went wrong before. However, do not be too sure that this method will help. Of course, it's worth a try, but be prepared for the fact that you may have to try harder to correct the error. Access violation at address.

Problems with DirectX

access violation at address

In most cases, the error of Access violation ataddress is caused by problems with the DirectX distribution. First of all, you should check the version of your program and update it if it is outdated. Also, you should try changing the Input and Output of your devices, and then return them back. The fact is that DirectX has a direct effect on audio devices, which can lead to serious conflicts, and they already cause the error Access violation at address. Therefore, you'd better be very careful to ensure that no device conflicts arise, because they can lead to irreversible consequences.


access violation at address 00000000

One of the least obvious causeserrors Access violation at address 00000000 can be enclosed in the hard disk. Indeed, very few people will look for reasons in the hard disk, and after all the problem can arise even in the event that you have a completely new and high-quality hard drive. However, it may happen that your hard drive will be incompatible with certain programs or functions that they perform. And in the worst case, this error arises, which will be difficult to solve if the reason is really there. You will be lucky if you can cope with this problem without reinstalling the operating system and without formatting the disk. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to make sure that all programs are installed properly, so in this case it remains to hope for luck that all the software you install does not cause any conflicts, and especially that you have never visited an Access violation error.

Special programs

error violation violation

As you have already understood, this error means thatin your system there is a certain serious conflict that you should solve as soon as possible so that there will be no sad consequences. Sometimes it's very difficult to manually look for a cause, but it's unacceptable to postpone and stretch this process, so it's recommended to use special tracker programs that allow you to track the causes of such errors so that you can fix them later. Unfortunately, such programs do not solve the problem - they just find their reasons. But this is in any case half the job, so you will only need to find a solution. Sometimes this is much easier than finding an error, because now everyone has access to the Internet, in which experienced people can give advice on any particular error.

Restoring the system or reinstalling it

Here comes the moment when you despaired of findingthe cause of the error or found it, but can not fix it. This means that the conflict was too serious, and you will have to reinstall the operating system. Naturally, you should not hurry - at first it is better to restore the system to the control point, of course, if you created it. It is very important that you periodically create control points using OS devices, which can then be returned if something goes wrong in the system. There are also special programs that automatically create checkpoints on a given schedule, eliminating the need to always keep this question in mind and do everything yourself. Accordingly, before reinstalling the system, you can try to restore the last access point and check whether the OS will function in this state. And only if this does not help, you will have to reinstall the system.

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