/ / What is the information field

What is the information field

How often in everyday life do we hear the phrase: "What a brilliant idea!" Probably, many inhabitants of our planet would not be averse to being among those about whom they say: "Insight dawned upon him." This is especially true for businessmen, inventors, writers, directors. And also for playwrights, composers, poets, fashion designers. And you would not be interested in learning about how ideas are born, and where can they be sought?

Information field
Basic concept

At the beginning of the previous century, Vernadskysuggested that there is an information field of the Earth. He called it the noosphere (literal translation from Greek - "reason", "sphere"). In the opinion of the academician, it is in this field that all ideas and thoughts of people accumulate. "Collective unconscious" - that's how Karl Young defined this concept. He believed that it contains ideas and archetypes common to people. According to modern science, the Universe is a large hologram, at the points of which information about the world is concentrated. The subconscious of each individual is a separate fragment.

The information field of the whole universe isa huge bank of thoughts and ideas. Here all the data that exists, existed and even will appear in the future! Some people who survived a clinical death say they knew it. In a world that is familiar to us, time is linear, its movement is in one direction - past-future. But the information field lives by its own laws. The flow of information in it moves in a spiral, it is always available. The subconscious of people is connected with this field. In any person, data about the past, as well as the present, are laid, but what is especially interesting is about the future too. It is from here that the most ingenious ideas come.

There is no limit to perfection

First of all, it should be understood that no thoughtDo not fall on a man just like snow on his head. One of the terms quite accurately conveys the very process of the origin of the idea. It's about the word "enlightenment". It is believed that this state is characteristic of creative people: as refined natures, they are more open to receiving external information. There are cases when illumination visits a sleeping person, so to speak, comes in a dream. Access to such a substance, as an information field, depends on the level of consciousness of the individual. The better it is developed in people, the more data they are available.

Information field of the person
There is an interesting story about the healer anda medium called Edgar Cayce, he is known to many as a "sleeping prophet." This man was able to enter a state when he was available information about different people, their lives. According to him, he seemed to be in the library, and in it the elder handed him a book about a man. Case found the necessary information in it, and then returned back to real life. This is only available to units. As a rule, people have a communication channel with information blocked. But do not worry, each of us has a tendency to self-development and self-improvement, there would be a desire. So, it turns out that the information field is a huge database of the universe. Here everything is divided into layers. It is believed that access there depends on the characteristics of the person requesting the data. In this case, the person is provided only with information that can not harm him.

Communication with the information field

There are different types:

- Standard communication. This is almost completely blocked channel, working in the direction of "man - field". In the opposite direction, the block is rarely disclosed. It's about intuition and premonition.

- "Unconscious" communication is a kind of clairvoyance. In this case, the data stream has two directions. This process is uncontrolled, this is what people call "illumination."

- Controlled communication. It can be said that this is a guided clairvoyance. The power of clairvoyance directly depends on the level of access to the human information field.

Information field is
Thus, the higher the developed people, the greater their opportunities. Therefore, everything is in our hands! Do not pursue ideas, but improve, and then they will visit you.

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