/ / "Lady with a Dog": a short story

"Lady with a Dog": a short story

The story of two middle-aged people who are toolater learned true love - that's what the story "Lady with a Dog" tells about. The brief content of the work makes it possible to understand how accurately AP Chekhov portrayed the feelings of ordinary people and their difficult fates.

Lady with a dog
Bank employee Gurov Dmitry Dmitrievichcomes to rest in Yalta from the stuffy and gray Moscow. At home he had children who are only a burden to a man, and an unloved wife. Gurov enjoyed great popularity among women and, although he considered them "the lowest race", yet without a female for a long time could not be. Leaving for rest, he was going to have a good time and did not intend to be faithful to his wife - this moment was very clearly prescribed by Chekhov.

"Lady with a dog", a summary of whichallows us to understand how quickly real emotions can flare from a small passion, tells about a resort novel of two people. Gurov in Yalta noticed a blonde, constantly walking along the embankment with a snow-white spitz. The woman rested alone, with no one was friends, and the rest called her "lady with a dog." The summary shows that their acquaintance took place in the city garden, that her name is Anna Sergeevna, and she is married to an unloved person.

Chekhov lady with a dog
A woman is unhappy in her family life: her husband is not interested, and she can not even remember who he is working with. She understands that next to him, life will be spent aimlessly. The novel between Anna Sergeevna and Gurov began a week after the meeting, and the woman is very worried about her betrayal, arguing that Dmitry Dmitrievich himself will not respect her. Summary "Lady with a dog" makes it clear that the man was bored by a new mistress, but he still continues to portray passion and soothe Anna Sergeyevna.

Their novel flows smoothly, and when the time comesto part, both feel a slight repentance for what they have done. In Moscow, Gurov again starts all the hard, but suddenly he begins to see everywhere the image of Anna Sergeyevna - a man realized that he fell in love with such a woman, seemingly uninteresting to him, as a "lady with a dog." The summary of the story tells how difficult it was for Gurov to restrain his feelings, his wife becomes more and more irritated, and he finally decides to go to Anna Sergeyevna.

Summary of the lady with the dog
Come to his beloved home man anddid not dare, so I watched in the theater - Anna was with her husband and was so afraid of this meeting that she escaped, saying only that she would come to him to Moscow. Endless meetings of two lovers force a woman to lie to her husband: she says that she goes to a doctor for advice on women's diseases.

At the end of the story, Gurov's meeting is described andAnna Sergeevna. He looks at himself in the mirror and realizes that he has grown old and grayer in recent years. A man does not say anything to his lover, only hugs her shoulders when she cries. In life, they both made some kind of fatal mistake, Gurov and "lady with a dog" understand this perfectly well. The brief content of the story shows that two such relatives and such distant people realize that old age is close - at this very moment they are destined to learn true love. Will they find a solution to their problem, and remains a mystery.

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