/ / Forever young character - Peter Pan

Forever young character - Peter Pan

Not only children, but also adults of the whole world are familiarthe great character Peter Pan. He is known primarily as a boy who does not want to grow up and lives on the magical and distant island of Netlandia. Each new day for him is associated with fascinating adventures, and life is like a series of fun and dangerous games, in which other inhabitants of the magical terrain are involved.

Monument to Peter Pan

James Matthew Barry

Book character Peter Pan for his many years of history came to life on many different interpretations, but his first appearance was due to James Barry.

A great writer was born in 1860 in Scotland. The family was not rich, but still managed to provide education for their sons. Interest in writing appeared in James at an early age. After university, he becomes a successful journalist and actively begins to write all kinds of essays, novels and plays.

Few people know about this, but before the publicationhis main work, Barry managed to become famous as one of the most witty writers for adults. He was friends with such great talents as Herbert Wells and Arthur Conan Doyle, and also received a lot of prestigious literary prizes.

The idea of ​​writing your immortal workcame to him after close contact with the family Davis. The first time Peter Pan appears in the novel "The White Bird", but his peak was in 1911, when the book "Peter Pan and Wendy" was published.

Creativity Barry is not forgotten, and his story continues to live in adaptations and to the present.

Character Peter Pan


Peter embodies all the children, everwho lived on the planet. He is quite an ordinary boy, who is constantly torn into battle. Immediately after getting to know him it becomes clear that he is naughty and restless. The traits of his character can also be learned from the fact that the name of the leader of the Indians was given to Peter Pan. He called it the Winged Eagle, and it is known that this bird is wayward, proud and devoted. In addition, the main feature of the boy is that he can fly. The eternally young hero bravely looks into the face of any danger, is ready to do anything to protect his friends, and he is an undoubted leader. It is thanks to these qualities that "lost boys" perceive him as their elder brother and guardian, and also carry out any of his orders. It may also seem that Peter is extremely selfish and arrogant, but such qualities are characteristic of all the boys of his age. But only this character will never grow up, which means he will not change.

Peter Pan's character

Relations with other characters

The boy rarely remains alone, soIt is important to know with whom Peter Pan was friends. First of all, it is worth noting his faithful companion fairy Dinh-Din, who at any moment is ready to protect his best friend. However, she is very harsh and jealous of all those who pretend to pay attention to Peng. Also for the character is constantly followed by his detachment of boys, who also once lost. He cares for them and is their permanent commander.

A very important milestone in the life of Peter is Wendywith his brothers, whom he invited to fly together to Netlandia. They remember this adventure as one of the most fascinating in life, and together the guys overcame a lot of dangers. After returning home, the hero visited Wendy more than once.

Of difficult situations, often Peter helps outIndians, with whom he once entered into an alliance. The most famous of them is the leader's daughter - Tiger Lily. In addition to friends, he also has a sworn enemy - Captain James Hook. Together with his pirates and faithful assistant, Smee, he constantly brings the boy trouble to avenge the loss of his hand.

Peter Pan photo

Cartoon studio "Disney"

One of the most successful and significant adaptationsis a cartoon studio "Disney" called "Peter Pan," a photo of which can be seen below. He went on screens in the distant 1953, and he was waiting for an incredible success. The main character was voiced by the famous actor Bobby Driscoll, whose appearance became a kind of character model. The books practically do not describe how Peter looked, and how old he was exactly. In the cartoon, he remotely resembles the mythical character of Pan because of his pipe, sharp hat and suit. It is known that the boy is very beautiful, and especially his snow-white smile. And in 2002 there was a sequel, which, however, did not become as memorable.

What name did the leader of the Indians give to Peter Pan

The film of 2003

One of the most famous adaptations in whichappears the character Peter Pan, was a picture of 2003, directed by director Paul J. Hogan. The plot is the most similar to the classic, and the characters and scenery are perfectly worked out. As is customary in the theater, the role of Wendy's father and Captain Hook played the same actor. They became the great British singer Jason Isaacs, familiar to spectators on the role of Lucius Malfoy in "Harry Potter". Peter himself was portrayed on the screen by 14-year-old Jeremy Sumpter, for whom this image became one of the most important in his career. The party Wendy went to actress Rachel Hurd-Wood, which in the future was waiting for a great success in the cinema. It is noteworthy that the picture has an alternative end, available for those who bought the disc.

With whom Peter Pan was friends

Other screen versions

Peter Pan is a character with a lot of faces,even one of the most diverse in history. The book was filmed many times, including several countries. Not everyone likes to follow the canon, so often authors come up with their own versions and interpretations.

A good example of this approach isBritish mini-series "Neverland", in which Hook and Peter live together in London, but accidentally get to the magical island, along with the boys from the shelter. The main storyline there is devoted to the conversion of the captain to the evil side.

And in 2015 came out the picture "Peng: Return to Netlandia", where the main antagonist was Captain Black Beard. This is a kind of prehistory of already known events.

Among others there is even a Soviet film "Peter Pan" in 1987 and many others that simply do not lend themselves to enumeration, let alone theatrical productions.

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