/ / Nick Perumov. Books in the order of reading

Nick Perumov. Books in the order of reading

Nick Perumov is a domestic science fiction author,which in recent years has written dozens of books. And he does not just write them, but publishes entire series and creates worlds, which it is desirable to read in a certain order. This will help to understand what is happening and under what laws the heroes who were invented by Nick Perumov live. Books in order to arrange is rather difficult, because some were published before others, and they should be read later.

Nick Perumov

Domestic author began to write back in schoolyears. However, the talent showed itself only at a more mature age, when Nick already worked as a biologist. Thus, the first book, The Elven Blade, was published in 1993, bringing the author glory. Since then, Perumov has been working at an amazing speed, releasing several books a year.

nick of the perums of the book in order

The literary talents of the writer did not remainundetected. So, he received many awards for his books from well-known magazines and societies, not only in Russia, but also abroad. In general, the creator of so many works is a very versatile person. His amateurs note the special style of narration, which can be used only by Nick Perumov. The order of reading books in this case also plays a role - you can see how the language and style changed.

At the moment, the author lives in the US, continuing to write books, and incidentally works as a professor in one of the institutes. Nevertheless, he often happens in Russia and arranges meetings with his fans.

Series of books

Created and continues to create their own originalworks by Nick Perumov. Series of books in order can contain from a couple of volumes to several dozen, while the topics can be different. So, in the author's work there are series "Technomagia", "Magic of the Stone Age", as well as several cycles based on pagan worlds ("I, Vseslav" and "Mlava Red").

nick of the perums order of reading books

Nick Perumov. Books in order

On the Internet, unfortunately, quite a few accuratelists of works by Nick Perumov. Books in order to find difficult, especially since every year they are more and more. We tried to compile the most accurate list of the main cycle - "Worlds of the Ordered", which can be found in the table below.

This series of works tells about the wholethe universe, which is called the Ordered. There are many world planets in it, and most of them have magic. This universe is kept in balance by two gods: Hedin and Rakot. However, there are many other forces here, both neutral and those that seek to destroy the balance, for example the Unspeakable or the Savior.

Nick Perums series of books in order

Narration is not always about the gods, often inthe field of view of the author also includes simple mortals inhabiting separate worlds. Note that the writer does not just create books, he always works on projects, stories, essays, articles. You can often find works created in co-authorship, where one of the creators is Nick Perumov. Books in order translate and into foreign languages, because more and more people around the world are getting acquainted with the work of this science fiction writer.

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