/ / How to pickle mushrooms correctly

How to pickle mushrooms correctly

Having gathered a rich harvest of mushrooms, many people think about how pickle mushrooms. This is a good way to harvest for the winter, but it is necessaryknow the technology of the process. In addition, not all mushrooms are suitable for pickling. Therefore, I will tell you how to pickle mushrooms, and what kinds are best for this.

First, you need to know that it's better to marinatetake white mushrooms, buttered mushrooms, sweet mushrooms, chanterelles, mushrooms, birch bark, mosses and boletus. In each separate region, there may be different types of fungi suitable for harvesting.

Secondly, every single species of fungi is neededmarinate separately. Before this, it is necessary to very well disassemble them and separate the wormy and old mushrooms. Mushrooms suitable for pickling you need to wash and remove the damaged areas. If the mushrooms are large, then they are cut into smaller parts. Each species has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account before pickling mushrooms. For example, the legs of white mushrooms are cut across the fibers into pieces, and the oil is removed from the bonnet skin, so that they are not bitter.

Many mushrooms, after cutting become dark,so they need to be processed as quickly as possible. It is necessary to avoid long contact with the air. To do this, they are placed in slightly salted cold water.

How to pickle mushrooms: recipes

Purified and chopped mushrooms need to be laid out incolander and several times dip into the water. Before this, you need to prepare a marinade. Take 200 grams of water, 150 grams of vinegar (5%) and 25 grams of salt. These proportions are calculated for one kilogram of mushrooms. A pan with a marinade is put on the fire and we give it a boil. Rinse the mushrooms into a boiling marinade. Cook them until ready. In the process, foam will appear, which must be removed with a noise.

Do not pay attention to what turned out littlemarinade. The mushrooms will give juice, and the liquid will become enough. When the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan, the cooking is finished. At this point, add 10 grams of granulated sugar, a quarter of a teaspoon of citric acid, sweet peas and a bay leaf. When the mushrooms in the marinade boil they can be poured over cans. Close them with lids and put sterilized for 20 minutes.

The most delicious and nutritious are the white mushrooms. They will be the decoration of any table.

I suggest one more recipe, how to marinate whitemushrooms. Naturally, they need to be prepared in advance. Small mushrooms are left intact, and in large representatives we separate the legs from the hats. They need to be picked separately. To begin with, mushrooms need to be boiled. Pour in a pan of water (for one kilogram of mushrooms we take one glass of water) and bring it to a boil. Then we lower the mushrooms into it and cook for 15 minutes of the leg and 10 minutes of the cap, after the water boils again. We take the mushrooms with noise. We put two laurel leaves in a saucepan, peppercorns (fragrant or black), cloves and a tablespoon of salt. When the pickle boil it is necessary to pull out the bay leaf, add 60 ml of vinegar (5%). After that, pour the mushrooms into the pan. Cook them for about 10 minutes, and then lay out on the banks and pour the marinade. Close the lids.

Each mushroom has its own unique taste. Therefore, further on, we will discuss how to pickle chanterelles mushrooms. Prepared chanterelles are boiled for 25 minutes in slightly salted water. Then we pull them out and turn them over to the colander. We prepare marinade. For one kilogram of mushrooms you need to take a third of a glass of water, two-thirds of a glass of vinegar (8%) and a tablespoon of salt. Bring this mixture to a boil and dip it into the mushrooms. We cook for about 25 minutes. After the preparation, add a teaspoon of sugar, peppercorns and a few laurel leaves. We spread the mushrooms to the banks and close them.

I told how to pickle mushrooms. Now it remains to collect a rich harvest and use one of the recipes.

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