/ / National sign: if the mirror broke, what is it for?

National sign: if the mirror broke, what is it for?

Sometimes it happens that a person accidentally breaksmirror. It would seem, a simple case in everyday life, and that there is such a terrible thing? However, there are folk beliefs that do not associate with this event anything good. After all, if the mirror broke, what is it? Is it possible to prevent a bad sign?

if the mirror is broken to what it is

Since ancient times, the subject matter of the interioris considered mystical, since it has a connection with our energy and the parallel world. For this reason, people engaged in magic often used mirrors. In our time, some psychics or fortune tellers still do not dismiss this magical element from the accounts.

Throughout the time he accumulates in himselfpositive and negative energy of those people who are near. Information is stored indefinitely from the moment of the beginning of its existence and will depend on the events that were reflected in it. For this reason, the old mirrors that came from grandmothers can carry in themselves both something positive and negative.

Now let's figure it out: if the mirror is broken, what it can be. The reason for such an event is the excess of negativity from its owners. This is a very bad omen, which predicts a series of tragic events or misfortunes. There is another sign: the mirror fell and the life of a man breaks.

There are other beliefs associated with the considered magical element of the interior.

1. You can not use a cracked mirror, so a person loses a significant part of his energy.

What to do if the mirror broke

2. If you look straight into your eyes for a long time in reflection, this will negatively affect your health, your body will grow old faster.

3. The mirror, located opposite the sleeping person or washing in the bathroom, attracts illnesses, unhappy love or discord in the family.

4. It is necessary to keep the mirrors clean so that negative thoughts can not remain in them.

5. If you left the house, then return - a bad omen. You should look at your reflection and say "hello" three times.

the sign fell and the mirror broke

What to do if the mirror is broken?

No one is immune from such recklessness,but if all the same it happened, in no case should you look in shrapnel. Otherwise, all the negative, which overflowed the mirror, completely go to the one who saw in his wreckage his reflection. In addition, a person will lose a huge amount of energy, which will not immediately noticeable. Shards must be collected not with bare hands, but with paper or cloth. According to one of the beliefs, they should be thrown into the stream. The broken mirror in the car must be replaced at the first opportunity. That's what you need to do if the mirror is broken. Why this test of his fate? It is better to handle with mirrors carefully.

Of course all these are beliefs that have been noticedour ancestors. Believe in them or not - everyone decides on their own. Perhaps we can change some course of events and life ourselves. Not always signs come true, but who is forewarned is armed. It is better just to know what can be if the mirror is broken. What it will lead to - a person learns only after a certain time.

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