/ / Original solution of the usual design - sofas "click-klyak." Reviews

The original solution of the usual design - sofas "click-klyak." Reviews

Man constantly improves his home,making it as comfortable and comfortable as possible. For this, furniture designers all over the world work. It would seem that you can change in the usual folding sofa? However, French furniture designers have perfected it, adding to the third traditional provisions a third one - an intermediate one. The name "click-clack" these designs are obtained by two clicks, which they publish when unfolding.

sofas click

"Click-clack": description of the structure

The house of modern man is impossible to imaginewithout a sofa. The so-called "click-clack" sofas are very popular these days, the reviews are very favorable, they consist constructively of two sleeping frames, seats and back, connected by a mechanism of transformation. In this sofa there is a roomy and voluminous laundry box made of a furniture plate.

Click-clack system: transformation

To disassemble this sofa, just enoughjust lift the seat. The backrest will fall down. When it becomes horizontal and lies on the laundry box, the seat will continue to move, and the angle between it and the back will decrease. When you hear the first click, it means that the mechanism of transformation is installed in an intermediate position for a relaxed, comfortable rest.

sofas click price
The second click means that the lock is fully engagedrelaxed and the sofa turned into a single plane. Some samples of such sofas are equipped with armrests and sidewalls on the seat. They also regulate the situation. Modern sofa "click-clack", feedback on the transformation of which is ambiguous, are an interesting design decision.

Advantages and disadvantages of models

"Click-klyak" is a sofa that has a substantialadvantage - in disassembled form it forms a practically flat surface. The steel frame, which rests on the laundry box, is a solid and stable construction. In addition, the laundry box is much more roomy than in traditional models. Sofas "click-clack" reviews negative only for the need to have a significant reserve of free space behind their back so that the wall does not interfere with the transformation. It should be noted that sofas have a "book" mechanism.

Operation and maintenance

children's sofa click
"Click-clack" is a mechanism that should begreased constantly. Otherwise, the sofa will quickly fail. Many models of this type are equipped with spare covers. Thanks to this sofas "click-clack" reviews of care receive only positive. After all, many housewives know how difficult it is to clean a sofa that does not have spare covers.

Children's sofa "click-clack"

For the children's room most suitablesmall-sized couches "click-clack". Thanks to them, the children's room looks very modern, and your child will get a full and comfortable sleeper. Children's sofas "click-klyak", whose price ranges from 10,500 to 25,000 rubles, are made on a metal frame. Very suitable will be a spacious and roomy box for bedding. Such models are especially suitable for people who prefer maximum comfort. This is a very comfortable soft furniture, to assemble and disassemble which even a child can.

A light and compact model of such furniture harmoniously fits into a modern design.

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