/ How to choose a shoe polish

How to choose a shoe polish

Today, simply diversity in the shops of various creams is amazing. The assortment is so great that it becomes difficult to understand which is the best shoe polish to choose.

shoe polish

First of all,that all products intended for natural skin are divided into two groups: thick, which are based on organic solvents, as well as liquid emulsion creams.

The first category is the best tool forcare of shoes, which is used every day, especially in the cold season and bad weather. These products consist of animal fat, wax, colorants and solvents. However, when choosing thick organic creams, one should take into account their sharp odor.

Water-based shoe cream is best suitedfor the warm season. The composition of these products includes less solvents, because they are partially replaced by water. Due to this liquid cream delicately affects the surface of the shoe than thick. This option should be chosen to provide care for the expensive model or women's elegant shoes. Of course, the level of protection for thick creams from moisture is higher, however, the emulsion product gives the natural skin a bright and persistent shine.

the best cream for shoes

For suede shoes produce specialCleaning agents, since a normal shoe polish is not suitable for the care of such a delicate material. Usually in the store you can find funds that are released in the form of aerosols. Such a light emulsion has protective, caring and tinting properties.

If a product is needed to care for lacquersshoes, it is better to use a white shoe cream, with a special notation that this product is intended for this category of footwear. It, without damaging the surface, perfectly restore or preserve shine.

When buying, be sure to look atquality of cream. Overdue or cheap means can completely ruin shoes, damaging the structure of the skin. To make acquisitions better in specialized stores, and not in crossings or markets, which will make it possible to protect yourself against fakes.

white shoe cream

Judging the quality of the cream can be by composition. If the shoe cream produces an unpleasant, pungent smell, then this remedy is on an organic basis, and is best suited for grooming shoes in the winter or autumn period. A product based on natural oils and beeswax is better used for processing exquisite brand models from high-quality leather. Care must be taken with the products containing alcohol. They cleanse the skin well, at the same time destroying its protective layers. The same can be said about creams containing acetone.

Use a shoe polish afterThe way shoes or shoes were completely cleaned and dried at room temperature. Perform this procedure in the evening, so that the agent per night is well absorbed into the skin. In the morning, polish shoes with a soft cloth or a special cloth. Emulsion creams give shine and do not require additional polishing

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