/ / White spots on the leaves of cucumbers: is there any reason for concern?

White spots on the leaves of cucumbers: is there any reason for concern?

Cultivation of cucumbers is often accompanied bya number of problems, because the plants themselves and fruits can be spoiled by various pests, fungal diseases, viral or bacterial infections. Among the main reasons experts, as a rule, call improper care of these vegetables. For example, from the increased humidity there is white rot, anthracnose, powdery mildew, the roots begin to rot. But low humidity contributes to the development of a spider mite. In addition, they are often affected by a melon aphid. In this case, diseases can actively develop in both closed and open ground.

white spots on the leaves of cucumbers

If you notice white spots on the leaves of cucumbers,then know that it can be a viral or fungal disease. So, for example, white mosaic affects only greenhouse plants: with this disease on the leaves of cucumbers clearly distinguish stains star-shaped. With the development of the disease the entire leaf can become white, only green veins remain on it. Fruits are almost not formed, and if they grow up, they look very bad: they are mostly small and tuberculate. In addition, cucumbers acquire a peculiar color, consisting of bands of yellow and white. If you notice the development of such a disease of cucumbers in the greenhouse, the photo of the affected fruits, which is presented in the article, you definitely will not interfere. This will help you identify the disease in the future and for a long time to remember its first symptoms.

Seeing the described white spots on the leaves of cucumbers,do not wait until the plant begins to bear fruit, it is better to destroy it immediately. Of course, it is difficult to fight this viral disease, because first you need to disinfect the entire inventory, containers and tools with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate. The rest of the control measures are preventive: for seeding it is better to take 2-3 summer seeds, which are soaked in special strengthening solutions. Do not forget about the crop rotation in the greenhouses, you should treat the soil before sowing.

cucumber disease in the greenhouse Photo

But white spots on the leaves of cucumbers can be anda sign of a spider mite: in this case they look like dots that eventually lead to the drying of the affected leaf. From the underside of the leaves you will find a scarcely visible spider web. In order to get rid of spider mites, you have to collect all the affected leaves and burn them. In addition, plants must be regularly treated with special chemicals - insecticides. And then carefully monitor that there are no weeds around them.

But if you notice the crackingbrownish and white spots on the leaves of cucumbers, this is ascochitis. With this disease, the cucumber becomes like boiled, after a while it can turn black and wither. This infection affects weak plants, its development is promoted by moist air, and its causative agent can persist both in soil, seeds, and in unharvested plant remains.

cucumber diseases and control

In addition, your cucumbers can hit andpowdery mildew - it shows up white spots on the leaves. Over time, their entire surface becomes covered by a bloom, which leads to the death of shoots and young stems.

If you decide to start growing vegetables inclosed or open ground, it is better to know in advance all kinds of diseases of cucumbers. And the fight against them (photos before and after can confirm the effectiveness of its conduct), by the way, can be quite successful if you inspect the plants daily, regularly process them and remove the affected shoots.

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