/ / Hyperandrogenia in women: diagnosis and treatment

Hyperandrogenia in women: diagnosis and treatment

Male and female hormones are produced in eachbody (both in male and female). They have certain properties that affect the general condition of a person and their reproductive function. Testosterone, for example, synthesizes the proteins of skeletal muscles and, to a certain extent, the muscles of the myocardium, and also reduces the amount of fat and distributes it correctly in the body. Testosterone is qualified as a male hormone. Its lack in the body of men leads to increased irritability and sharp changes in mood.

In women, this hormone is produced in a smallerquantity, than at men. In general, the male sex hormones that produce the ovaries and adrenal glands are called androgens. Hyperandrogenism in women is an excess of male hormones in the female body. Androgens, if their number exceeds the norm, slow the occurrence of ovulation and the maturation of the egg. Hyperandrogenia in women who are already pregnant can cause a decrease in progesterone production, which can trigger a miscarriage.

As a rule, hyperandrogenism in women occursoften enough. This is a violation of the endocrine system, which can cause the development of infertility. However, if the testosterone level rises once, it is possible that there is nothing to worry about. As already mentioned, it is often during pregnancy that you should be especially concerned if you have been diagnosed with a disease such as hyperandrogenism. Treatment in this particular case involves taking such drugs that lower the level of testosterone and other male hormones. You can not do without them here. During the passage of therapy, you must constantly be under the care of your doctor.

One type of disease ishyperandrogenia of ovarian genesis (second name - polycystic ovaries), the treatment of which involves a decrease in body weight and increased physical activity. Typically, this disease occurs if there is a dysfunction of the ovaries: polycystosis or a tumor. Medications prescribed by the doctor in this case should also be aimed at blocking the increase in the level of male hormones in the blood, as well as stimulating ovulation.

Another type of disease that occurs in theThe result of disruption of the stable work of the adrenal glands is hyperandrogenism of the adrenal origin. This type of disease can be congenital or acquired. The acquired form develops in tumors and diseases of the adrenal gland or pituitary gland.

In order to find out about the presence or absencehyperandrogenia, a woman needs to pass a blood test for hormones. If the tests are positive, then the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. Hyperandrogenism in women is treated on the basis of what causes caused its occurrence. For example, if the main cause is a tumor (tumor), an operation is prescribed. Some types of disease need only conservative treatment. So, with diseases of the adrenal glands, which caused an increase in the production of male hormones, prescribe glucocorticoids. In general, the disease is curable, but it is best to treat it at an early stage of development.

If the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner, thenThe hormonal background of the female body is restored quickly and completely. Tumors, as a rule, are only benign in this situation. After their removal, do not be afraid of their re-development.

In any case, timely access to a doctorgives a much greater chance of rapid treatment. Remember that if you delay your visit to the hospital, infertility of the hormonal nature may develop. And this diagnosis is much more serious and dangerous if you plan to have children.

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