/ / Stuttering in children 3 years old - an occasion to consult a specialist

Stammering in children 3 years old - an occasion to consult a specialist

Stuttering is one of the most common causesto appeal to a child psychologist, because parents are worried that the child will not be able to properly adapt to society and communicate with other children. Stuttering includes any irregularities in the rhythm, tempo or fluency of speech, which are caused by various disorders in the speech apparatus, mainly convulsions. When talking, the child is forced to constantly stop or repeat individual syllables or sounds, which interferes with the normal recognition of speech by other people. The most common stuttering in children is 3 years, but the dangerous period will only pass in 5-6 years.

Causes of stuttering

In order to understand how to curethe child stuttering, first of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its occurrence. The predisposing factors for stuttering include the existing neuropathic pathology in the parents or in the child (for example, diseases affecting the central nervous system, manifestations of enuresis, nighttime fears, emotional instability, autonomic nervous system diseases). In some cases, stuttering in children of 3 years is due to the congenital pathology of the speech apparatus, which is sometimes inherited. Also lead to this disorder of speech can be those or other lesions of the child's brain that have occurred due to birth or intrauterine injuries, asphyxia, with infectious diseases and injuries.

Turning to the doctor, parents most often believe,that the cause of speech disorders are physiological disorders, but statistics show that most often stammering in children 3 years is caused by mental or social reasons. This may be a short-term, acute or long-acting trauma to the child's psyche, which is most often expressed in the form of stress or severe fright, but sometimes stuttering can begin with tremendous joy. Important is the process of formation of speech skills, which begins with the very childhood. For this, parents are completely responsible, which should not burden the child's speech with phrases of complex constructions, complex speech material, and his own quick speech. Sometimes stuttering in children of 3 years becomes a consequence of polyglo- sia, because it is from this age that many parents give their children to various language courses, so that the conversation in one of the languages ​​occurs with stuttering, but in another language the child speaks without the slightest hesitation.

How does speech irregularity occur?

Most often, a child's stutter appears suddenly,but there are certain signs that can warn about its development. An alarming moment should be the child's unusual silence, refusal to answer questions. Such a condition can last up to 2 days, after which speech is restored, but with a stutter. To prevent this it is possible if you turn to a specialist during a lull, but in most cases parents simply consider silence a childish whim. It is necessary to be cautious, and if a child begins to insert extra letters before words, stops in the middle of a word or phrase, has difficulty with the beginning of speech.

The correct treatment program is the key to recovery

After the parents of the child turn tospeech therapist, he will need to collect anamnesis of the child, learn the details of the course of birth, get acquainted with his way of life and environment. Only then can we talk about the appointment of an individual correctional program, which is conducted by the same specialist. The parents of the baby, who can deal with it at home and who are trusted by the child more than any doctor, should also participate in the treatment process.

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