/ / Attention, chronic tonsillitis!

Attention, chronic tonsillitis!

Chronic tonsillitis - long-terminflammatory process of palatine tonsils. This disease contributes to a general toxic-allergic reaction of the body, which is the cause of other diseases. Chronic tonsillitis is accompanied by periodic exacerbations in the form of angina.

Palatine tonsils are part of the lymphaticsystem, which develops our immunity. In the body, the amygdala has two main functions. The first is protective: in tonsils is formed a huge number of macrophage cells, which have the ability to "absorb" and "process" bacteria and viruses. Second, they take part in the course of hematopoiesis, because they create lymphocytes responsible for immunity.

Why is chronic tonsillitis?

The most frequent causes of chronictonsillitis are microbacteria: enterococci, streptococci, staphylococcus. Chronic inflammations of the tonsils are often continuations of acute diseases. They are produced as a result of impaired immunity, due to incorrect medications, allergic reactions and other common causes. Also, chronic tonsillitis can develop, with such diseases as dental caries and purulent maxillary sinusitis.

Signs of tonsillitis

A common sign of chronic tonsillitis is poorodor from the mouth due to putrefaction in the lacunae of the tonsils. Such patients periodically expectorate, coming out of the tonsils, purulent clots. The patients have a general weakness, they are not able to perform physical and mental work for a long time. There is a fever, a cough. The submandibular and cervical lymph nodes increase.

Than tonsillitis is dangerous

If chronic tonsillitis for a long time is nottreat, the disease can cause complications. Dangerous complications in the form of decompensated. With this form of the disease, ulcers can form near the tonsils, tonsillitis, and respiratory tract infections develop in the form of bronchitis. The role of tonsillitis in the formation of rheumatism, polyarthritis, nephritis, endocarditis has also been proven.

Chronic tonsillitis can provokedisease of the intestines and stomach. It is also possible to endocrine system damage - from patients can complain about changes in body weight, appetite may be disturbed, without cause thirst may arise. There is a violation of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in sexual activity. It is proved that tonsillitis can lead to the formation of diabetes. Purulent lesions of the kidneys and urinary system can develop.

Treatment of tonsillitis

The doctor individually selects an adequatea method of treatment taking into account all available factors. To treat chronic tonsillitis was effective, it is necessary before all the acute inflammation of the nasopharynx and dental caries. In modern medicine for the treatment of this disease there are two approaches - surgical and conservative treatment.

Apply conservative treatment for forms of chronic tonsillitis, which appear as a result of repeated angina. It is also used when there are contraindications for surgical treatment.

Surgical treatment implies partial or complete removal of tonsils. It is used when the amazed tonsils do not benefit a person, but, on the contrary, carry a number of risks. There is this treatment with the help of surgical ultrasound, laser tonsillectomy and freezing of tonsils.

At the present time, doctors are increasinglyThe use of herbal medicines, which are developed according to modern scientific achievements and have a minimum of side effects. Tonzipret is a typical example that has been studied in general, including clinical and toxicological tests, and has proved to be a safe and ideal tool in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis.

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