/ How to avoid a hangover in the morning?

How to avoid a hangover in the morning?

For sure, any member of society, of course, notbeing a convinced teetotaler, at least once in his life felt a hangover. Remembering the course of chemistry, alcohol is just ordinary ethyl alcohol, the amount of which varies depending on the breeding in the drink.

Ethanol is rapidly absorbed into the gastrointestinalpath, then enters the bloodstream, the brain and muscles. The maximum effect of alcohol palpable after 30 minutes, but on condition that alcohol is taken on an empty stomach. Appetizer greatly slows down the process of intoxication. Alcohol has a calming effect, helps to reduce the level of anxiety, leading a person into a state of euphoria.

how to avoid a hangover

How is alcohol derived from the body?

To understand how to avoid a hangover, you shouldto understand how alcohol is excreted from the body. Only 10% of alcohol is processed by the kidneys and lungs, the remaining 90% by the liver. That's why alcoholics have problems with the liver, until its complete decomposition.

The problem of a hangover arises in the event thatalcohol was too much in the evening. In this case, the liver is not capable of promptly processing the received alcohol into the body, let alone withdraw it from the body. This results in a terrible headache and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Mankind uses alcohol for a huge number of years, which are estimated for centuries, but has already worked out at least 10 ways how to avoid a hangover.


Opinions of doctors are divided, some recommenda few hours before the feast, prepare by drinking 50-60 grams of alcohol, better vodka, to activate the work of the gallbladder. Other doctors categorically forbid the use of such a device. But if you want to prepare a glass of vodka before a feast, then it is better to drink "Creon" an hour before the beginning of the party and eat a small amount of fatty product, a sandwich with butter or with bacon.

How to avoid a hangover in the morning

What drink

Do not mix alcoholic beverages with different degrees of alcohol.

Remember that so-called heavy drinks,whiskey, cognac and brandy are drinks that are obtained by long insisting and aging. These include champagne and guilt. Their main problem is the heavy morning consequences.

Red wine is also unsafe: due to the processing of dark varieties of grapes, tyramine is produced in large quantities, which is the basis of this type of alcoholic beverages. In this case, it is this substance that causes the headache.

Oddly enough, one way to avoidhangover, - drink clean water. And this is true: the more water, the more alcohol is neutralized in the body. It is alcohol that disrupts the water balance in the body, resulting in dehydration of virtually all cells in the body. Therefore, standing up from the table, it is better to drink 1-1.5 liters of clean water, even if there is no desire. The result of this method can be checked in the morning, the hangover will not be exactly.

Do not use carbonateddrinks with alcohol, especially do not mix them. In carbonated drinks, there is a lot of oxygen, which, when ingested with alcohol, speeds up its spread throughout the body. Even if you drink carbonated mineral water, it is better to open the lid of the eggplant beforehand so that the carbon dioxide evaporates.

Refuse from low-quality alcohol. A quality product has fewer fusel oils, which are the cause of the strongest intoxication and as a consequence of the morning hangover.

If you like cocktails, then choose those that contain fruit juices with high content of vitamin C.

how to avoid a hangover 10 ways

What is

Most importantly - never give up a snack. Food is a good deterrent to the intoxication process.

Strangely enough, but to sit at the table hungry is not worth it. A full stomach is a guarantee of some intoxication.

A great way to avoid a hangover, -snack alcohol with such dishes as jellied fish, ears, cold. Even marmalade will keep the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. Simply put, all foods that have glycine in their composition that will have a detoxifying effect on alcohol will do.

At the same time, abundant food is a dead-end way. The more food, and even more so than it is heavier, the more difficult it is for the liver to cope with the processing of products. A huge lump of food in the stomach will only worsen the condition, food will not be digested and alcohol will be processed.

A feast should not be accompanied by spicy food. It is not necessary to lean on mushrooms, mixed with alcoholic beverages, they can become poisonous.

In contrast to sustainable opinion, it should be noted that potatoes with meat are the worst snack. These products and so incompatible, plus alcohol, you get a virtually unreprocessed mixture.

In the rules, how to avoid a hangover, you should write yourself:

  • Snacks should not be much;
  • all food should be easily assimilated;
  • more use of apples, contained in them peptin improves digestion and rapid elimination of alcohol from the body, apple and grape juices are suitable;
  • at the use of "heavy" drinks it is better to have a snack with honey, berries and lemon juice;
  • neutralize the effect of vodka and beer with sauerkraut, it contains succinic acid, which neutralizes the effect of alcohol;
  • you can use diuretics - watermelon, strawberries and zucchini, together with urine they will quickly withdraw the components of alcohol, which in the morning give a hangover syndrome.

how to avoid a hangover on the morning after a feast

Other stimulants

Precisely established fact: There is no way to avoid a strong hangover, if a person ate during a feast. Scientists have not yet established a direct link between alcohol consumption and smoking, but the fact that in the morning will be worse for a smoker than for someone who did not smoke is a fact.

The same can be said about narcotic drugs. It is also unclear what will affect the morning hangover, alcohol or drugs, but combining several stimulants is definitely not worth it.


Knowing that it is impossible to avoid a "stormy" feast, be prepared. You can drink activated charcoal or another sorbent. Possible means to not get drunk and avoid a hangover:

  • Mezim;
  • "Panzionorm";
  • "Festal" and other preparations.

However, it should be borne in mind that all of these drugsonly help to slightly reduce the consequences of overeating and excessive consumption of alcohol. The key word is "slightly". All the rest remains for the person, he should watch that and in what quantity he drinks and eats, it is not necessary to trust blindly advertising.

Before the feast, you can use a few drops of Eleutherococcus, about 30-40.

how to avoid a strong hangover


The main two rules of the "right" feast:

  • not to fragment;
  • move more.

The first rule says that one should notdrink each glass when they say a toast, of course, if there is a desire to stay more and less sober and avoid the morning hangover. Scientifically established fact: 250 ml of dry white wine is processed by the body in only 60 minutes, imagine how long it will take the body to process strong alcoholic beverages, delivered every 10-15 minutes, even in small doses.

The second rule is how to avoid a hangover afterdrunk, - move. If possible - stroll, if you turned on the music - dance, but just do not sit constantly in place. Dances and movements will help digestion, and absence at the table will not force a person to constantly drink another glass of wine or a glass of vodka.

Cold air

I'll have to debunk the myth, but the cold air canOnly worsen the state of a hopping person. Do not go out after a fairly drunk amount of alcohol into the cold air. Frost contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, alcohol ceases to be recycled and the person becomes even more drunk. Moreover, never leave a drunk person in the cold.

how to avoid a hangover after drinking

Ice in a glass

A very good way how to avoid a hangover onmorning, - to drink alcohol with ice, especially it is important for cocktail parties. Ice visually increase the amount of alcohol, there will be no dehydration, resulting in reduced energy loss from drinking alcoholic beverages, and the "freshness" of the mind will not fade.

Weight and amount of alcohol

An important role in the rules, as correctlyTo avoid a hangover, the correct estimation of own weight plays. Never on "equal" will not remain people with different body weight. Naturally, hop will quickly catch up with a person from 50 kg, than with a weight of 100 kg, if they drink the same amount of alcohol.

Non-standard variant

Some people resort to completelynon-standard and unnatural way, how to avoid intoxication and hangover - cause a gag reflex after eating and drinking alcohol. It's clear that not everyone will cope with this task, and the method is too doubtful.

Before bedtime

Sooner or later everything ends, like any party. Before going to bed, you must also observe several rules, how to avoid a hangover on the morning after a feast:

  • open the window or window in the room where you sleep;
  • drink as much water as possible, not without gas;
  • eat the banana.

You can drink activated charcoal - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. And do not forget about the water that should stand at the head of the bed, because at night, most likely, strongly want to drink.

Some people drink "Alka-Seltzer" for the night. There are no strict scientific data on the effect of this drug, but the reviews indicate that it significantly reduces the morning hangover. Replace the drug can be ordinary aspirin, dissolved in water, in fact, the basis of "Alka-Zeltser" and is aspirin.

how to avoid a hangover properly

What else can I do?

Naturally, the only way to escape fromhangover - just do not drink alcohol the day before. Therefore, try to carry the holidays on those days that precede the weekend, so that you can restore your strength, sleep off. It is a long sleep that will allow you to get rid of the headache and aches in the joints, which sometimes haunts after a "merry" evening.

In the morning you should not eat breakfast, the best way to restore normal bowel function, is a warm broth, but not coffee or strong tea.

If you decide to get drunk, then it should notgo to the next booze. Only 100 grams, and not a drop more. Although this way to get rid of a hangover is rather doubtful, and after a couple of hours the head will most likely start to hurt even more, that's why it will want more - and so on. That is, this method is very dangerous for those who do not know how to stop.

The best way to avoid a hangover is to limit yourself to one glass of wine.

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