/ How to cleanse the intestines yourself

How to clean the bowels yourself

If a person decides to conduct acleansing your body of toxins and toxins, then, first of all, he needs to learn how to clean the intestines of toxins. Undigested food is derived by this body, and this also refers to the removal of harmful substances from the body. Slagging of the intestine greatly impedes the excretion of the above substances, and the accumulation of fecal matter has a very negative effect on the work of the body.

How to clean the intestines, how to determine if there is aIs this necessary? In fact, the need for such a procedure exists continuously. The fact is that the accumulation of harmful substances can occur continuously. The body itself suggests that it's time to clean up the appearance of flatulence (swelling, accumulation of gases). Also evidence of slagging and frequent constipation, rapid fatigue and even radiculitis and colds.

How to clean the bowels without enemas in the homeconditions? For a start, you can advise the usual berries of grapes. They need to be eaten with bones. Thus, the intestines are cleaned well. You can wipe the hips of wild rose and, having taken over the steam, use a handful on an empty stomach since the morning. Recipes, it would seem, are very simple, but thanks to them the work of the digestive tract improves without the use of enemas and special medical preparations.

How to clean the intestines with a salad? Such a salad should include fresh cabbage, beets and carrots. It must be said that beets even clean the liver, and if it is present in sufficient quantities, for example, in borscht, then for the work of the intestine it is an excellent help.

From the above vegetables, you can make a salad:

  • cabbage must be chopped;
  • Carrots, beets and celery grate;
  • let's make a salad in such a proportion: cabbage take three parts, the remaining vegetables in one piece;
  • all mixed and seasoned with olive or sunflower oil.

Olive oil is generally useful to drink on an empty stomach daily according to art. spoon.

Purify the intestines and herbs. Then a cleansing enema with decoctions of medicinal plants is applied. In particular, it can be a decoction of chamomile, wormwood, marigold. Enema is not recommended to do often and generally get carried away by this method of cleaning. People who place excessive hopes in laxatives are also mistaken. They can cause depletion of the intestinal mucosa, and the body gets used to them. Nevertheless, there is also such a method of purification, especially in conjunction with therapeutic starvation.

How to clean the intestines with natural juices? The juice of spinach cleans at the same time and the entire digestive tract. Cabbage juice also works well, especially for people suffering from obesity. You can clean the yogic way - salt water.

  1. Since morning on an empty stomach it is necessary to drink one glasssalted water. The water must be warm. After this, certain exercises are done. It is necessary to make alternate torso inclinations in different directions for five minutes (left - right).
  2. Now another glass of salted water is drunk, and rotational movements are performed for one minute, also in different directions.
  3. Having drunk another glass of such water, you need to sit comfortably on the floor and throw your foot on your leg. Now the inclinations are carried out with the fingers reaching out with the fingers. It is done five to seven times.
  4. Well, the last glass of salted and warm water. Having drunk water and putting your feet to the level of your shoulders, you need to tilt forward, trying to reach the floor with your hands. This method has contraindications. Do not use it in severe pathology of the digestive system, with suspicion of appendicitis.

We hope that these tips will help readers to live with a clean intestine, which in turn will make life more full and energetic. I wish you health!

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