/ / At what cough to take "Lazolvan": indications for use, analogues

At what cough to take "Lazolvan": indications for use, analogues

Cough - an unpleasant but necessary personreflex. It helps to clear bronchi, lungs and larynx from accumulated microbes, mucus and irritants. Cough activator can become an infection (bacterial or viral), an allergen or something else. Sometimes coughing occurs because of a hereditary or congenital disease. Often, doctors with this symptom recommend the drug "Lazolvan". At what cough to take to children and adults this medication - find out from the article.

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Composition of the preparation and form of release

Before you find out what cough heals"Lazolvan", you need to learn something about this drug. The main component of the drug is ambroxol. "Lazolvan" is produced in different dosages and forms. This is provided by the manufacturer for the convenience of the patient. In a pharmacy without a prescription you can buy:

  • syrup (contains 15 or 30 mg of basic substance in 5 ml) - can be used for children;
  • solution for inhalation (contains 7.5 mg of amoxal in 1 ml) - administered to children and adults;
  • tablets - are issued in volume of 30 mg, are appointed only to adult patients;
  • pastilles for resorption (contain 15 mg of active ingredient) - can be used by adults and children after 6 years;
  • capsules of long-acting (75 mg ambroxol) - are used only after 18 years.

You can buy a cough remedy without a prescription at an affordable price.

How does the drug cough?

From what cough helps "Lazolvan" - willdescribed in detail below. Its action is based on the work of the basic substance - ambroxol. After oral administration, the maximum concentration of the component is reached after 2 hours. If you inject medication by inhalation, then this period is reduced to 30 minutes. The medication is distributed in the lungs and bronchi. There, it improves the formation of mucus, stimulating serous cells. The drug activates hydrolytic enzymes, thereby reducing the viscosity of sputum. The medicine makes the mucus secreted less dense and easily excreted. Also, "Lazolvan" activates the work of cilia of ciliated epithelium. A noticeable effect can be observed in half an hour. The average action of the drug is 6-12 hours. The drug taken orally is withdrawn more quickly. The half-life period is one and a half hours. If the solution is inhaled, this time is increased to 12 hours.

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General indications for use

At what cough to take "Lazolvan"? As you already know, the medicine dilutes sputum, it also contributes to the expectoration of mucus, provoking a slight cough reflex. Together, these actions facilitate the patient's condition and normalize his breathing. The instructions state that the medication is used at the following indications:

  • bronchitis in acute and chronic form;
  • pneumonia of a viral and bacterial nature;
  • obstructive pulmonary disease in the chronic stage;
  • bronchial asthma with difficulty in sputum discharge;
  • bronchiectasis diseases;
  • pathology of the lower respiratory tract, accompanied by difficulty in separating the sputum.

No medication is prescribed for hypersensitivity to ambroxol, during pregnancy and lactation. Some forms of medication, as you already know, are not meant for children.

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"Lazolvan" with dry cough

At what cough to take "Lazolvan" toto ease the patient's condition? The most difficult is usually a non-productive spasm of the bronchi. Dry cough often occurs with tracheitis, laryngitis. It is often provoked by irritation of the throat and diseases such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis. At what cough is Lazolvan appointed in these cases?

At the reception the doctor always listens to breathingpatient with a phonendoscope. If during the inspiration and exhalation can be heard whistling or sighing sounds, then this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process and the formation of a thick sputum. In this case, coughing does not give any relief to a person, since the mucus can not separate from the bronchi and come out. If this is the case, then Lazolvan will be an effective treatment.

Dry cough can also be caused by irritationlarynx. With it, there is no wheezing in the bronchi during listening. In such a situation, the use of "Lazolvan" can only aggravate the patient's condition, since the drug will provoke another spasm. Unproductive cough will become even more intrusive and harder.

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"Lazolvan" with wet cough

At what cough to take "Lazolvan" yet? It is acceptable to use the medicine during a wet cough or with a transition from a non-productive spasm to a productive one. Often this happens with acute bronchitis. At first the patient is tormented by a debilitating dry cough, but after a few days the sputum begins to thin. At this point, the use of an expectorant is advisable.

If the patient has pneumonia, then without mucolyticmeans can not do. At what cough to drink "Lazolvan" in this case? The medication starts immediately after the diagnosis is confirmed. A person's cough at this point may be dry or wet, heavy or light. In some cases, there is no spasm at all. But this does not relieve the patient from taking "Lazolvan".

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Analogues based on ambroxol

From what cough helps "Lazolvan" - you alreadyit is known. You can take the drug with a productive and unproductive spasm. But in some cases, you have to replace this medicine with another. There are many analogues of "Lazolvan". Absolute are those in which the same substance is included: ambroxol. To such preparations it is possible to carry: "Ambrobe", "Bronhoksol", "Ambrolan", "Medox", "Suprima-kof", "Flavamed" and so on.

At what cough to take "Lazolvan" and in whatdosage - the doctor always prescribes. Please note that the analogs of the drug may have a different amount of active substance. Therefore, the method of using them and the multiplicity of methods can be significantly different. Do not use analogues of the drug according to the instructions attached to Lazolvan.

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Other substitute drugs

Can I replace the original tool with anothercomposition, and if so, with what cough? Accept "Lazolvan" can be with wet expectoration and unproductive spasm. In the same cases, other drugs that have a stimulating effect on the motor function of the respiratory tract are prescribed. To such medicines it is possible to carry the following active substances and their trade names:

  • acetylcysteine ​​("ACTS", "Fluimutsil", "Mukobene");
  • bromhexine (Solvin, Bromhexin, Flegamin);
  • Guaifenesin ("Tussin", "Koldreks Broncho");
  • carbocysteine ​​("Libexin", "Fljuditek"), as well as many others.

All drugs work in different ways. But the effect of their application is similar. Medications have a phlegm-diluting effect and cause an expectorant reflex. Do not use analogues of the medication yourself. If, for some reason, you are forced to abandon the use of "Lazolvan", then you must select a substitute together with your doctor.

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What responses are formed in patients?

Many sick people ask themselves: "" Lazolvan "for inhalation at what cough to take?" As for carrying out such manipulations - everything must be agreed with the doctor in advance. As statistics show, quite often an expectorant is prescribed together with preparations for the expansion of bronchi. In most cases, these are corticosteroids, which are contraindicated for self-use. Only after their administration is the inhalation of "Lazolvanom".

Consumers tell that the actionthe medicine does not keep itself waiting. With inhalation, the effect is more pronounced, since the medicine enters immediately into the respiratory tract, bypassing the digestive tract. Take the solution inside is not very pleasant: it has a bitter taste. Especially this treatment is opposed by children. For them, the producer produces a syrup with a pleasant berry flavor, which is very popular with children. Such a medicine is often called "Lazolvan child". At what cough to take it - the doctor will tell. Self-medication is best for children.

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Instead of concluding

From the article you were able to learn about the drug,which exerts a mucolytic, diluting and expectorant effect. Take it with a wet and dry cough. It can also be used for a smoker's cough. If you are worried for a long time by such an unpleasant symptom, then you must necessarily show yourself to the doctor. Especially dangerous is dry cough. It can be a symptom of many serious diseases. Be healthy!

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