/ / Treatment of osteomyelitis and use of antibiotics to fight it

Treatment of osteomyelitis and use of antibiotics to fight it

treatment of osteomyelitis
Osteomyelitis is a seriousdisease, accompanied by defeat of bones. This is a purulent-necrotic process in the bone tissue, periosteum and bone marrow. The causative agents of osteomyelitis are pathogenic microorganisms, such as staphylococci, streptococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Infection is recorded through traumatic bone tissue damage, with blood, which leads to the development of hematogenous osteomyelitis. The pathological process can also begin after surgery, if the aseptic and antiseptic rules were not followed by surgeons.

How to overcome the disease?

Treatment of osteomyelitis includesconservative and operative methods of therapy. However, care should be taken in the first place to prevent the development of this infectious process. Although the disease is cured, and the results of literate therapy are very impressive, the very treatment of osteomyelitis leads to violations by other organs and systems. Therefore, it is better to prevent the penetration of infectious agents into bone tissue and their spread. Since the main cause of osteomyelitis is mechanical damage to the bone and injury, then if you are confronted with this, then you should be able to perform the initial treatment of the wound. It includes:

treatment of osteomyelitis folk remedies

  • washing the open wound with chlorhexidine solution;
  • treatment of the edges of the wound with a brilliant green solution;
  • the application of a sterile bandage moistened with hydrogen peroxide;
  • should immobilize the injured limb and go to the clinic, where you will be examined and make a competent conclusion.

Conservative treatment of osteomyelitis includes general and local methods. They are aimed at improving the patient's condition, strengthening immunity and combating the focus of infection.

Use of antibiotics

The main activity is antibacterialtherapy, as antibiotics use cephalosporins, aminoglycosides and others. Since most microorganisms acquire resistance to drugs, the therapy should be comprehensive and constantly adjusted depending on the course of the disease and the results of the drug intervention. Treatment of osteomyelitis with antibiotics is quite effective. Most often use several drugs with a wide range of effects. After two weeks, some antibacterial drugs are replaced with others, similar to them, for a more successful fight against infectious agents. Antibiotic therapy, although necessary, but brings many complications.

treatment of osteomyelitis with antibiotics
In particular, broad-spectrum antibioticsactions affect not only the focus of inflammation, but also on other organs and tissues that are not affected by the infection. They cause damage to the normal intestinal microflora, which leads to the development of dysbacteriosis. Therefore, when the main treatment for osteomyelitis is carried out, probiotics are also prescribed. Immunostimulants and immunomodulators are used to strengthen and restore weakened immunity. During the whole therapy it is necessary to carry out the daily toilet of the wound cavity with the removal of pus, sequesters, and the sanitation of the bone cavity. In extreme cases, when the process becomes so strong that phlegmon develops, then they resort to surgical treatment, removing the affected parts of the bone. Treatment of osteomyelitis with folk remedies also largely justifies itself, however, it is not worthwhile to engage in self-medication at home, but it is better to trust doctors.

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