/ / Family process: does the child move when battling?

Generic process: does the child move while fighting?

Childbirth is one of the brightest and unforgettableimpressions in the life of a woman, even in spite of the pain experienced in fights. Is the baby moving during them? Let's try to understand these nuances together.

Why perturbations are important

Starting at week 16 (and the second and subsequentpregnancy - before) future mothers experience an inexpressible sensation - the baby's movements within him. Previously, he was quite a tiny one, and therefore his movements were not felt at all. But now he has grown up and tries to push off from the walls of his "house" - the uterus.

when battling, does the child move

And every day, approaching birth, manypregnant women are increasingly worried about the question: when battling, does the child move? Reply to it we can later, but it is worth to clarify that at the time of birth the baby is already quite large, and it's increasingly uncomfortable for him to move. Nevertheless, the movements of the fetus must be felt daily throughout the pregnancy. After all, this is an indicator of his life activity.

His first skills the kid gets in his stomachMom. For example, to ensure that after birth he was able to properly take the breast, nature gave him the need to suck his own finger. Developing a sucking reflex, the child has to learn to move his pens correctly. Of course, at such times the mother will feel his movements. So, we conclude that the perturbations are important and very necessary for the baby.

The first period of childbirth

And then came the long-awaited day when you enteredin the first phase of childbirth. You began to have weak uterine contractions. So, soon your child will be born! Whether the child moves before the fights, knows every woman who passed through this - no doubt, yes. But it's not the jolts that were there a month ago.

In the abdomen of my mother is tight, so the baby movesonly if necessary. There is an opinion that children before the very birth subsided. That is not as active as before. While you experience mild pain, you can feel all the movements of the baby. But with the beginning of the second phase of labor, things will be different.

Active phase

does the child move during labor?

The intervals between contractions are allshorter, and their intensity is stronger. At the same time, the pain experienced by the parturient woman is also growing. Now she will hardly be able to recognize if the child is moving during labor - the baby's movements and the contraction of the uterus merge together.

By the way, at this very time the kid experiences a shock. He becomes frightened, why did something unimaginable begin in such a calm until this moment? He tries to push off from the front wall of the uterus with his legs. True, his mother is unlikely to be able to feel it - it distracts the pain due to fights.

And if the child began to exercise too muchmyself in the mother's belly, this may indicate a lack of oxygen. Doctors call this phenomenon hypoxia. Therefore, they necessarily listen to the heartbeat of the fetus during mother's labor and draw conclusions on this matter. It is worth to turn to the doctor, if you notice that the child is being pushed much more than usual.

Is the baby moving between contractions?

In the first generic phase, when the intervals betweencontractions are long, the movements of the baby are felt to the full. A woman in childbirth can fully control this process. However, in the second phase it is difficult to determine during fights, whether the child moves. The Kid, being an active participant in the generic process, increasingly rests his head on the bottom of the uterus. The woman feels these movements, and even experiences because of this the rezi in the lower abdomen.

does the child move before the contractions?

Do not be scared as soon as the baby appearsto the light - pain as a hand will remove. Some people use the modern good - epidural anesthesia. During it, the lower part of the body is numb, and the fights are not felt at all. However, only a doctor can prescribe it. If there is no extreme need, it is better to do without it and feel the entire generic process.

Usually, between contractions, before the most attempts, the woman in labor does not have time to catch her breath before a new wave of pain. Of course, at this stage it is difficult for her to understand whether her baby is pushing or not.

And that the future mother did not worry, doctorsconnect a special apparatus that hears the child's heartbeat. So doctors will be able to monitor the condition of the baby in the prenatal period, even if he suddenly lurks and does not move.


Childbirth is not an easy process. It requires a huge amount of effort from a woman. Both physical and spiritual. Special excerpt is useful to her in battles. Is the baby moving during this process? Now we know the exact answer - yes. But do not worry if the tremors are not as active as before.

does the child move between contractions

Doctors closely monitor the condition of bothparticipants: mother and baby. To make it easier for women emotionally, now there is a free service - the presence on the birth of a future father or grandmother. They can help to count the time between contractions and monitor the status of the woman in labor.

Do not worry that you can not cope - your family is waiting for you home with the long-awaited baby. And on his moves you will still be bored!

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