/ / Explanation of the basal temperature chart: nuances and features

Decoding of the basal temperature chart: nuances and features

Regardless of the purpose for which you decidedbegin to follow the work of the reproductive system of your body, you will have to start building temperature curves, learn how to read and analyze them.

Interpretation of the basal temperature chart
If you correctly build a measurement schedulebasal temperature, a few months later, based on the values ​​displayed in it, you can already assess the work of your body, you will know if you are ovulating and when the most favorable period for the fertilization of the egg. This knowledge should help both in planning pregnancy, and to prevent unwanted conception.
Decoding of the basal temperature chart hasits features and in order to learn how to accurately determine the date of ovulation and the estimated time of the onset of menstruation, you will need some time, but for this you need to familiarize yourself with the general rules for constructing such graphs and their analysis.

If you know all the nuances of measurement, the very thingTime to figure out how the obtained indicators should be analyzed. So, with a normal ovulatory cycle in the first phase, the temperature should be lower than the second, during ovulation a sharp upward jump occurs, and at the beginning of the month it again falls. If, on the days of the proposed menstruation, you see that the basal temperature is increasing, pregnancy is likely to have already occurred.

Basal temperature pregnancy
According to the rules established by WHO, the lineovulation on the graph should be carried out when, as a result of the last 3 measurements, the indicators were higher than the previous ones 6. Thus, the middle line is drawn above the highest value of 6, and the next 3 indicators should be 0.1-0 , 2 C above this line. At first it may seem that deciphering the basal temperature chart and determining ovulation is a rather complicated process, but usually at the first glance at the chart everything becomes clear. If you were able to draw a midline and an ovulation line, then further work with the resulting curve should not cause difficulties.
Baseline temperature measurement chart
Normally the difference between the average indicatorsthe first and second phase should be more than 0.4 C, and the length of the period after ovulation should be about 12-16 days, otherwise it may indicate hormonal problems. It is also desirable that, after the release of the egg, the temperature throughout the whole of the second phase should remain at about 37 ° C and fall only at the beginning of the critical days. If these conditions are not observed on your schedule, then a competent interpretation of the basal temperature schedule may show that you have certain problems, even if ovulation, judging by the received indicators, passes.

If you have just started measuring andThe first cycle turned out to be anovulatory, do not worry, but it's better to continue measuring. One or two cycles a year without the release of the egg - this is quite normal, but if it is not available for several months in a row, it requires compulsory medical advice. In this case, the interpretation of the basal temperature schedule should be combined with other studies: hormone analysis, ultrasound, manual palpation of the pelvic organs.

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