/ / Benefits and harm of the hematogen - a truth or a myth?

The benefit and harm of the hematogen is a truth or a myth?

Benefits and Harms of Hematogen

Do your children hematogen? I think they love you. And we, the parents, gladly buy it. It's useful, after all! Our mothers told us that, and their mothers told them ... They also told us that it was made of bear blood. It was pitiful to the tears of the bears, but the sweet bar was still eaten without a trace.

The benefits and harm of hematogen
Let's figure out what is the benefit and harm of the hematogen, is it so unquestionably desirable to all without exception? And what is actually made of this delicious product?

Hematogen began to produce in the 30s of the pastcentury. Then it was a saving product, since most of the population suffered from anemia due to poor nutrition, disease and other misfortunes. Hematogen was made (and is now produced) from dry blood of cattle. The blood was treated by special technology in order to keep the iron. Then added syrup or honey, condensed milk and cooked sweet tiles, something similar to taste for toffee.

Currently, many experts disagree about the benefits and harm of the hematogen.

Some doctors prescribe it to their patients as a food supplement, while others consider this product not only not useful, but also harmful.

Let's talk about the pros and cons of the hematogen separately.

than hematogen is useful

Benefits of hematogen

This bar contains a large number ofiron, and this is a definite plus of the product. Since iron, which is able to assimilate our body, is contained exclusively in proteins. And if we do not get enough of it from other products, then all sorts of abnormalities in the body are associated with anemia. This is a violation of sleep, lethargy, frequent colds, long-term recovery, hair loss and exfoliation of the nails. In this case, the benefit of this bar is undeniable, because the iron contained in it can stimulate the formation of red blood cells and, accordingly, increase the level of hemoglobin.

Also, the hematogen is rich in vitamins,amino acids, fats and irreplaceable carbohydrates, close to the composition of our blood. Therefore, it is suitable as a substitute for traditional sweets - and tasty, and there is a benefit.

Until now, this product is used in the treatment of rickets in children. About what the hematogen is useful, we talked, now let's dwell on the harm of this sweet medicine.

Harm of hematogen

Hematogen is not allowed to be used by people,suffering from diabetes and obesity, because it contains a lot of sugar and digestible carbohydrates. Also, do not eat it to people prone to allergies. Prolonged ingestion of hematogen can cause indigestion. In addition, it is very caloric, which should be taken into account for people with a diseased pancreas.

It is not necessary to give children or to eat the whole bar of bar: the use of iron above the norm can also cause some disorders in the body. Be sure to read the instructions.

hematogen calories

The nutritional value



354 Kcal


6 gr


3 gr


75.7 gr

In this article, we discussed what is the benefit and harm of the hematogen. Eat it for health, just do not forget that too much can not be eaten.

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