/ / Tips for mom: what doctors need to go for kindergarten

Tips for mom: what kind of doctors need to go for kindergarten

Time goes by, the kid grows up, and the hour comes,when a child needs to be identified in a kindergarten. It is worth noting that the matter is not so easy. In addition to the fact that it is necessary to determine where to send the child, it is necessary to go through a certain commission before this. Therefore, many mothers are wondering about what kind of doctors need to go for a kindergarten.

what doctors need to go for kindergarten


Parents need to understand a simple truth: whatever questions they may have about the health of the baby, in the first place the child should be shown to the district pediatrician. And this case is no exception. It is this doctor who will get a special medical card for the child. It is necessary when a child enters any educational institution, including a kindergarten. The duties of the pediatrician include filling out the passport page, as well as referring the child to the necessary tests and medical examination to some specialists. It should be noted that the medical card for the kindergarten should also contain a list of all vaccinations made. If there are none (regardless of the reasons), this issue will be decided in a personal manner. However, for admission to kindergarten, the child must be fully vaccinated.

medical card for kindergarten


Understanding what doctors need to go forkindergarten, in the first place it is necessary to undergo all necessary diagnostics. To do this, you will need to pass the urine and blood of the child for general analysis, as well as feces for checking for the presence of worms and scraping for enterobiasis. In most cases this is all. However, if the family is unsuccessful or there are other reasons, they may demand that the blood of both the child and parents be given for syphilis, and also the results of fluorography of the mother and father.

Main specialists

So what kind of doctors need to go for kindergarten? The list is not that big. The child will be referred to an otolaryngologist - a doctor who will examine the ears, throat and spout of the baby, may give some recommendations on the prevention of major ear-nose-throat diseases. The next room, in which the mother and child will fall, is the surgeon's office. This doctor will examine the baby and make conclusions whether any surgical correction of possible developmental defects is necessary. Be sure the crumb will be sent to a neurologist who will tell if the child is inclined to certain neurological disorders and whether there are neurological abnormalities. It is also important to undergo an examination of the oculist and dentist. Also, the child can be sent to a psychologist to assess the readiness of the baby for the kindergarten, and to the speech therapist (if the karapuza is more than three years old), which can reveal defects in spoken language. That's the whole list of doctors for the kindergarten, which must be visited by mom and baby. This is now finishing such a medical examination again by visiting a pediatrician. It is worth noting that the order of passing the doctors is not fixed and it does not matter, the first will be the mother and the baby surgeon or lora. Only here to open a medical card and give an opinion can only the pediatrician.

list of doctors for kindergarten


Knowing what kind of doctors you need to go for a childgarden, and having made all the necessary manipulations, my mother gets the pediatrician's conclusions on whether the child can enter the kindergarten. But do not pull too much, if you already have all the necessary documents, because the validity of the analysis is short enough - 10 days. After that, you will have to take all the tests again.

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