/ / Road toll from trucks in Russia. Moratorium on road gathering

Road collection from trucks in Russia. Moratorium on road gathering

To the known two main troubles in Russia for a long time alreadyall are accustomed. But if nothing can be done from the first, then for the solution the second officials periodically try to apply all possible measures. But finance, of course, is always in short supply.

New ways of financing

Russia is the largest country in the world, and roads init is also a great variety. The authorities constantly have to resort to new ways of financing. In addition to the transport tax introduced by each car owner from his pocket, our citizens also learned about toll roads and, of course, that the most significant damage to roads is caused by heavy vehicles. What is a toll charge? Let's look at this article.

toll collection

Bills as traffic controllers

From trucks that have mass,exceeding 12 tons, from the fall of 2015, charge an additional fee for travel on domestic routes. New amendments came in 2007 in the Federal Law, whose name sounds like "On roads and road activity in the territory of the Russian Federation". In addition, President Vladimir Putin on July 13, 2015 approved a new law N 248-FZ, which says that truckloads should not exceed the norm by more than two percent. Otherwise, you will have to pay a toll charge from 12-ton trucks. According to the plan developed by the Ministry of Transport, by 2020 all federal roads should be equipped with an automated weight control system, and the owners of roads will be responsible for compliance with the rules.


The picture now is such that, if youexceeded the dimensions and weight, in addition, went to the track, which has a federal status, it is certainly required to pay for 3.73 rubles per kilometer. This is the road charge. And if I did not fulfill these conditions, then I'll have to answer for the article. Within the framework of this condition, an administrative fine is imposed for the movement of a truck weighing more than 12 tons, without paying for the damage caused to its owner. The driver of such a vehicle will have to pay five thousand rubles, and if the breaking car is registered for a legal entity, then 450 thousand. Well, and for a repeated violation will have to shell out for nothing much - one million rubles.

road gathering in russia

What other road gathering is possible in Russia?

Project "Plato", or Pay-per-ton

The company-operator, defined by the GovernmentRussian Federation for the implementation of new developed programs in accordance with the adopted bills, "RT-Invest Transport Systems" organization was chosen. As part of the work to recover the damage caused by heavy trucks, this company has developed a project "Plato", which stands for "pay per ton." The project developers shared that the principle of their system operation presupposes automatic charging for the distance, which in fact was passed by the truck.

Road fees in Russia is a controversial issue.

How does it look in practice?

The project is operating due tothe use of satellite navigation systems GPS or, as they are also called, GLONASS. This provides a 24-hour monitoring of all routes of vehicles, as well as charging fees. If payment rules are violated, their fixation occurs automatically. For owners of freight transport, two options are suggested to pay for their movement along federal routes.

new toll

So, the new road tax assumes the following.

The first method assumes constant control, inIn this case, the truck is equipped with an on-board tracking device for free, and in parallel a personal account is created for it. The owner of such a car directs the payment to the account of the operator. For each kilometer of the truck passed along the federal highway, there is a 3.73 ruble charge. According to the developers, this method is suitable for the regular transportation of goods on federal routes.

And the second way is a one-timegetting a route card for one trip. In this case, the vehicle is registered in a specially created online system, and the trip is paid in advance depending on the planned route.

What road fees are available in other countries?

road collection from trucks

The experience of foreign neighbors

It is interesting to note that Russia is far from beingthe first and certainly not the only country that introduced a similar system of charging for trucks. Other countries have been applying such projects for a long time and with different success. Attention is also drawn to the fact that everywhere truck drivers absolutely do not want to pay much, and even more so to overpay for using roads. They often find ways to circumvent this need in all sorts of, in very sophisticated ways. It is rumored that even in law-abiding Germany, drivers were looking for opportunities to somehow not pass through the ID-frames, and in addition they managed to get bonuses from their employers for it. Lithuania's neighbor also has the experience of introducing similar road charges from trucks, or, as they are called, "road vignettes" for drivers of heavy trucks.

road charge from 12 ton trucks

The Lithuanian portal Cargonews has drawn a parallel betweenLithuanian innovations and Russian perspectives. It turned out that it's not so bad if you approach the process competently. According to the stories of employees of various Lithuanian companies, they also were afraid of introducing fees. But the system quickly debugged, and the payments themselves did not significantly change the cost of transportation for their customers. After all, within the framework of freight reduction, competition is developing rather quickly, and carriers have to consciously go on increasing their own costs, while maintaining a starting price for their customers. Lithuanian carriers predict this development in Russia. They are especially sure of this because they have many years of experience of cooperation with clients from our country.

In Belarus, there is a toll fee for technical inspection, that is, a fee for admission to participation in traffic.

Domestic prospects on federal highways

Russian truckers doubt thatThe introduction of payment for the use of federal routes will not affect the cost of transportation for customers. They really have to panic, because the innovations predict an increase in the cost of cargo transportation by 16-18%, which, most likely, will accelerate inflation by two forecast points. The Ministry of Economic Development at the same time acts on the side of car owners. Its specialists carried out calculations and found out that a tariff of 3.73 rubles per kilometer of toll from heavy trucks is likely to lead to a sharp increase in prices for various consumer goods in the amount of at least five percent.

toll at checkup

After all, the cost of delivery of these goods shouldincrease by at least 12%. In view of these preliminary calculations, the agency advises the Government to consider all the possibilities for reducing the tariff at least six times, namely to 64 kopecks per kilometer. Rosavtodor, of course, opposes such additions. If you calculate the expected annual fees from these innovations, its profit should be about 60 billion rubles a year. Of these funds, a part of money in the amount of 10.6 billion rubles will certainly go to pay for the services of the operator, while the remaining funds will be sent to the road fund. And if the authorities decide to introduce a zero fee and reduce the tariff with its growth by 2019, Rosavtodor will have to fulfill the terms of the concession agreement and pay 10 billion rubles each year.

Now, while the moratorium on the road tax is in effect until January 1, 2017, under a bill that is submitted to the State Duma.

Thus, what will be the confrontationmanufacturers and carriers on the one hand and civil servants on the other, is currently unknown. It is possible that the system "Plato", as her numerous customers fear, can give an unforeseen failure. Of course, the collapse of cargo transportation in the end this situation provoke in any case can not.

road moratorium

This is what a road truck toll can turn into.


In business, it is very important to fulfill obligationsbefore clients and partners, and few people care about participation in bureaucratic innovations of officials. The only thing that legal proceedings about bringing to the administrative responsibility of drivers of freight vehicles, as well as compensation for the losses suffered by the developers of "Plato" is quite to be expected.

We considered what a road charge is.

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