/ / Exercise for weight loss lyashek and abdomen. Aerobics, fitness, home exercises

Exercise for slimming lyas and stomach. Aerobics, fitness, home exercises

The best exercise for slimming lyashek and abdomen -this is the most concentrated movement, requiring complete control over the muscles being trained. Such exercises are few, because the hips and the lower abdomen are not just typical women's problem areas. These are parts of the body where fat stores are stored with special intensity, in complete harmony with the characteristics of female physiology. You must have heard the phrase "you can not lose weight only around the abdomen or thighs"?

Indeed, in getting rid of unnecessarykilograms, the whole body is losing weight, and not only the most plump areas. And, nevertheless, under the condition of regular physical exertions of a certain type, it is possible to significantly improve the muscles of the legs and the press, turning these areas of the body from problem zones into the dignity of appearance. From the extensive list below, you will certainly pick the optimal exercise.

fitness program

Makhi feet standing

Your attention is offered a modifiedversion of the Mahov feet. This option will serve as an excellent warm-up before the training of the feet, since with this simple movement, not only the muscles of the inner surface of the thigh and the cortex are activated, but also the muscles responsible for maintaining the balance.

Stand on your left foot, placing your hands behind your head. Bend the right knee and wave your foot up and across the trunk, while maintaining maximum mobility of the foot. Still without touching the right foot of the floor, wave it to the right. Repeat the primary and reverse movement ten times for each leg.

Do not forget to stretch the muscles of the press to successfully maintain balance.

Side attacks with a stroke

Simple home aerobics for beginners oftenincludes classical power elements - squats and lunges. If you are tired of doing ordinary exercises, try to diversify your training with side attacks with a swing - they are aimed at a more powerful study of the muscles of both the internal and external surface of the thigh.

leg swing exercise

Take the starting position, standing up straight, reducingfeet together and placing your hands on your waist. Make a wide step to the left and descend into the usual lateral lunge, bending the left knee and trying to move the buttocks as far back as possible. Lean on the left heel and lift the trunk. Without taking the starting position, wave your left foot across the trunk (try not to touch the floor at the same time). Stand up straight again and repeat the exercise. To lose weight lyashek and stomach, you need to perform 15 repetitions on each side. Since this element involves balancing, simultaneously with the training of the leg muscles, the press will also be worked.

Modified sito in sumo style

This movement is widely used in the preparation forperformance of ballet numbers. Perhaps you have noticed that all ballerinas have slim and attractive legs. To achieve the same forms you will be able to exercise the "squat in the style of sumo", which experienced coaches recommend to strengthen with the help of hands.

Stand with your feet together and turn.knees and socks outside at an angle of forty-five degrees. Take a wide step with your right foot to the side and lower the torso as low as possible, keeping your back straight. The buttocks should be kept as low as possible. Hands reach for the floor in front of you. As you return to standing positions, slowly bring your right foot to your left so that you feel muscle tension, and when your heels touch, stretch your arms above your head. Modified exercise “squatting in sumo style” is performed 20 times, alternately changing legs.

squat exercise

It is important to observe the correct technique: the knees should be above the toes, and not go behind them.

Deep lunge with isometric cast

A rare course of exercise for weight loss costswithout attacks. A rather light element with a complex name is offered to your attention, but you should not be afraid of sports terms: an isometric cast means static tension in a pose in which the leg conditionally moves to the midline of the body. In practice, it all looks even easier.

Stand up straight, legs together, hands at the seams. Take a broad step forward with your right foot and fall into a deep lunge. Rest your palms on the floor on the inside of your right foot. Reach your right knee to the outside of the right shoulder. Feel muscle contraction and maintain this tension for ten seconds. Then relax and push off from the floor with your right foot to return to the starting position. Repeat the movement on the left side. The optimal fitness program involves at least three repetitions for each leg.

It should be remembered that a good load on the hands resting on the floor provides the necessary resistance for the foot in the process of static stress.

exercise for losing weight and belly

Side bar with modification

As you know, there are several options for the plank with the raising of arms or legs. Below is a version in which the hands are effectively worked through, the entire lower half of the body and the core.

Lie on your right side and lean on the top halftrunk on the extended right arm, the palm of which should firmly rest on the floor. Straighten your right leg and pull it forward. Bend your left knee and place your left foot behind your right leg so that your hips remain lying on top of each other, as with a classic side plank. Move your body weight to your left foot so that your right toe just touches the floor lightly. Squeeze the hips together and lift the right leg up to the left knee. Hold this position for one second, then sink to the floor. This exercise for losing weight and belly do 15 times on each side.

weight loss exercise course

Static exercise on the press

If, despite all the textual andvideo instructions, you still do not fully understand how to twist in such a way that the abdominal muscles get a worthwhile load, try replacing your usual workouts with static stress. There are lots of options, because only one of the bars was invented by a great many. But the implementation of the bar implies the presence of some free space. What to do if these places are less than twice, and you just had a minute to do a sports warm-up? Try to perform an innovative exercise for losing weight and belly, providing a load on the abdominal muscles and not requiring special equipment.

Lie on the floor on your back and lift your legs, bendingknees at a right angle and relaxing your feet. Stretch your arms and place your palms over your hips, respectively. Take a deep breath and (as you exhale) tighten the press, pressing your back into the floor and at the same time - your hips in your palms and your palms in your hips. The legs must always remain in the same position. Keep the tension for one second, then relax. The ideal fitness program includes up to three sets of such exercises, and each set consists of ten repetitions without pauses.

how to twist

If you want to know how to twistas efficiently as possible, perform the proposed element with a modification. On the exhale, lift the head and shoulder blades from the floor, while not forgetting to firmly press the palms and hips to each other. While inhaling, slowly lower the shoulders and shoulder blades back to the floor.

Cross legged press

This is an interesting movement borrowed from the classic Pilates. Due to the double work of the muscles it allows in the shortest possible time to achieve a beautiful waist.

Lie on the floor on your back, stretching your arms along the body. Extend both legs by lifting them up towards the ceiling and crossing them (the right ankle should be above the left). Force your belly in, inhale and lower your legs by about forty-five degrees. On the exhale, return to the starting position, and then rise even higher, as if trying to touch with your feet the line on which the wall is joined to the ceiling.

To keep the balance you need to resist with forcehands on the floor. Keep the position for one second, then slowly return to the starting position, feeling the tension going through the spine to the thighs. Repeat the proposed exercise for losing weight and belly ten times - this is one set. For a full workout, you can perform up to three sets.

home aerobics for beginners

freedom of choice

You can follow the proposed program, but you canjust choose from it a couple of exercises that are interesting for you personally, and include them in the usual workout. The main thing - to observe the principle of regularity and firmly go to the target.

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