/ / Gerontophilia is ... Description of the disease

Gerontophilia is ... Description of the disease

Evil tongues often call such people alfonsoyand keepers, and maybe even more innocent than it seems at first glance. What does the word "gerontophilia" mean? According to the term, it expresses a predilection for something or someone. So, gerontophilia is an attraction of the young to the elderly. Why it arises and how to deal with it - we will understand the material of the article.


As mentioned above, gerontophilia is a speciesfetishism, a desire for the elderly. The main difference here is that the attraction is not the person as such, not the body, but the age of the partner. It is a sincere desire. That is, another definition of what is gerontophilia is the sexual desire for elderly partners without any mercantile interest on the part of young people.

The roots of the disease

Gerontophilia is a disease thatmanifested as excessive tenderness and warmth to teachers, falling in love with their school teacher or in a popular star. Especially it is typical for girls. The causes of gerontophilia can be as follows:

  1. Unfulfilled relationship with the mother or father.
  2. Lack of attention in childhood and adolescence.
  3. Unsuccessful or painful experience of close relationships with peers.
  4. Inability to build relationships with guys or girls, frequent parting.
  5. Low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.

 gerontophilia treatment

The girls

Of course, gerontophilia is a disease, but inThis psychological frustration is a certain symbiosis. For a girl, a mature lover is the key to solving many problems. He is attentive, knows how to survive, surrounds her with care and affection, which, perhaps, was very lacking in childhood, and can take on some of the problems. In addition, a mature man is not selfish in terms of intimate relationships and pays more attention to a partner. In turn, a mature man likes the attention of a young girl, it raises self-esteem and gives confidence that he is not as old as the passport says. Another cause of gerontophilia in young girls may be due to the fact that relations with young people of the same age have suffered a fiasco without seemingly obvious reasons. Girlfriends have long married, and the very fact of their marriage is perceived by the girl as proof of her imperfection, failure and failure. A mature partner is able even in the whims and quarrels of his young beloved to see the charm.

gerontophilia is what it is

Young people

Why does gerontophilia occur in young boys? As in the case of girls, the desire for an adult woman is easily explained by the lack of maternal warmth in childhood, but it is not the only reason. The modern rhythm of life and social norms impose certain rules on us. If a girl is inclined to evaluate by appearance and ability to maintain a conversation, then young people are often judged by what they call perspective. In other words, with the advent of TV series, where American boys age 17 ride in the cool car and live in huge houses, began to take shape stereotype according to which, if you're a little over 20 years and you have a car, an apartment and a big payday, then you, most likely, a loser. In European countries, the status is looked at even more. Ladies in their ages need attention, because even the elderly, she still continues to love the chosen one with her ears. Young guys know how to speak beautifully compliments and may simply age, if in return they will not "wag the nerves" about money, flowers and gifts. As a rule, mature women are provided, they need confirmation that they are still beautiful and desirable. For this confidence they are ready to buy gifts and cars. They no longer need a family and a child and a young girlfriend wants to get married and the stable life that it ideally could sit at home and when it is needed. A young man is often afraid that he will not be able to cope with this task on his own. In addition, young people who pay attention to older women may have intimate problems. Satisfaction of a mature woman convinces him that everything is in order.

causes of gerontophilia

Maggiore and Michael

About this pair a lot of conversations in the network. The fact is that the guy is good for his partner, let's say, in the grandchildren. He is only 30, and his "girl" is already over 90. Moreover, the guy is proud of his elderly girlfriend. He claims that he likes all the "delights" of a mature figure that women often try to hide. He is delighted with the wrinkles of Maggiore and he, according to her own statement, likes her gray hair, although he calls them "platinum" or natural. According to the couple, they rarely go out, spending most of their time in bed. Those who have little faith in such sincerity of feelings, it seems that it's not about love, but in the legacy that will leave behind Maggiore. However, she claims that she has no savings at all. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting the fact that Michael has a few more girlfriends aged. According to Maggiore, at first she was jealous of her boyfriend for other women, and now easily forgives him, because he always comes back to her and calls her the best.

The couple met 9 years ago in the bookstore. As the woman admitted, she 37 years ago divorced her husband and she was very lack of male attention and care. Mike calls their relationship "very physical."

gerontophilia is


Treatment of gerontophilia involves counseling a psychologist who will help to identify the true causes of the disease and eliminate them. Medication is prescribed in the most extreme cases.


The biggest age difference

For today, the biggest difference in age between a couple who lives in Malaysia is known. Her husband turned 105, and his wife is only 22 years old.

Love is the most incomprehensible and amazing feeling. Love, despite the numbers in the passports, and let your feelings be mutual.

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